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Financial Counseling & Assistance

Undergoing cancer treatment and dealing with the associated downtime can cause financial stress for many families.

The compassionate and knowledgeable financial counselors at Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center are here to help you from the start and throughout your care, assisting with any of your financial questions so you can focus on healing.

Financial Counseling Services

Your Cancer Navigator can help you schedule an appointment with a Cancer Center financial counselor at any time. You may attend an appointment in-person or over the phone.

How a Financial Counselor Can Help

Your financial counselor can assist you with:  

  • Answering common financial questions and providing support 
  • Completing forms and applications for co-pay support  
  • Contacting your insurance carrier to determine coverage and potential out-of-pocket costs 
  • Explaining your insurance policy details or explanation of benefits statements 
  • Identifying organizations and charities that offer financial aid, assistance, grants and resources  
  • Reducing your medication costs through their relationships with pharmaceutical companies (some may provide aid to cover the cost of any medication over a $5 co-pay) 
  • Completing forms and applications for free or reduced-cost medications 
  • Referring you to your local Medicaid office if you don’t have insurance 
  • Setting up a payment schedule   

When to Seek Financial Counselor Services

Consider meeting with one of our financial counselors if you have any questions or concerns about treatment coverage or medical expenses. Our financial counselors can help:  

  • Before your first visit, during your insurance verification and preauthorization process, so you can get an idea of what to expect for your out-of-pocket expenses 
  • If you’re receiving a treatment that may have high co-pays 
  • When referred by your social worker

Events That Might Interest You

Throughout the year, we offer several public events and classes. We design these community engagement programs to help you learn about cancer, cancer prevention, and living with the disease.

Events illustration