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Mental Health & Wellness

When you’re diagnosed with cancer, it affects all areas of your life — and the lives of your loved ones as well. At Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center, we offer several holistically focused mental health and wellness programs that address your needs as a whole person, boosting your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Look to your compassionate, expert team at Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center to help you and your loved ones feel your best and live well during and after cancer treatment.

Services We Offer

We are proud to offer programs that nurture the mind, body and soul of all our patients and their families. We offer:

  • Bronx Oncology Living Daily (BOLD) Buddies. The BOLD Buddies program matches you with a cancer survivor who can share their own experience and provide friendship and support during your treatments or medical appointments. BOLD Buddies become vital members of your support system who listen, answer questions and help you navigate your journey.
  • Follow-up and survivorship services. Access a wide range of services designed for cancer survivors, including guidance from the expert, dedicated Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center survivorship team who can help you boost your overall health, get recommended screenings and aim to prevent cancer from coming back.
  • Individual counseling. Our therapists are here to help everyone affected by cancer. The Psychosocial Oncology Program offers free one-on-one therapy for cancer patients, family members, those at risk for cancer, as well as our medical staff.
  • Healing arts integrative medicine programs. This program can help reduce your pain and other physical symptoms, provide comfort, promote self-expression and enhance your quality of life.
  • Meditation stress management program. This program, designed for breast cancer survivors, teaches relaxation skills using meditation, visual imagery and breathing exercises to reduce stress and promote inner peace.
  • Quality-of-life screening. Your well-being is as important to us as your medical care, so we offer free quality-of-life screenings for cancer patients and their family members to check in and see how you’re doing, determine your physical, emotional and spiritual needs and make any recommendations.
  • Reassessment and Evaluation After Cancer Treatment (REACT) Clinic. Designed to meet the needs of childhood cancer survivors, the REACT Clinic works to maximize support for youth and young people as they grow into adults by providing outstanding long-term medical and psychological education, screenings and treatment.
  • Smoking cessation assistance. Quitting smoking can lower your risk for countless health issues, including cancer. Our team is here to help you quit for good. 
  • Support groups. By meeting and sharing experiences, stories and advice with others who are also going through cancer treatment, you can find new strength, knowing that you are not alone on your journey. We offer one weekly support group in English and another weekly support group in Spanish. 
  • Wellness workshops. As part of the BOLD program, we offer workshops on a variety of topics, including nutrition, reiki, meditation, dance therapy, creative writing and other services, all designed specifically for the unique needs of people with cancer. 
  • Woman-to-Woman program. Similar to BOLD Buddies, if you are facing a gynecologic cancer, this program matches you up with another woman who has experience navigating cancers of the female reproductive system to offer support and guidance.  
  • Virtual Chair Yoga. Research has shown that practicing yoga can help improve the quality of life, emotional well-being, physical symptoms and emotional distress of cancer patients and survivors. 

Events That Might Interest You

Throughout the year, we offer several public events and classes. We design these community engagement programs to help you learn about cancer, cancer prevention, and living with the disease.

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