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Opportunities for Fellows

Opportunities for Postdoctoral Fellows

Postdoctoral fellows can expand their knowledge and delve into comprehensive research opportunities in state-of-the-art laboratories at Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Our world-renowned comprehensive cancer center was among the first National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated academic cancer research centers, a designation we’ve held continuously since 1972.

Access to Laboratory Research Programs

At Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center, research is a central, guiding principle of our work and improving the lives of cancer patients. We create an academic and professional environment that fosters basic, clinical, population and translational research. Through rigorous scientific excellence, our goal is to understand the mechanisms that drive the development of cancer and its progression and to innovate the most effective possible detection, prevention and treatment of the disease.

Our postdoctoral fellows can access a wide range of opportunities within our laboratory research programs.

Explore Postdoctoral Research Opportunities

Our knowledgeable and supportive faculty—respected leaders in the fields of cancer, research and education—welcome the chance to work with postdoctoral fellows who share their interests and want to learn more.

Learn about the faculty members leading groundbreaking studies. To apply for a position, email a letter of interest, your CV, and the names of three references directly to the faculty member of your choosing.

  • Impact of genetic and nutrient factors on intestinal stem cells in establishing higher risk for intestinal tumor development in mice and humans

To learn more or apply, contact Leonard Augenlicht, PhD.

  • Studies on the regulation of PI 3-kinases and their role in tumorigenesis and metastasis

To learn more or apply, contact Jonathan Backer, MD.

  • Drosophila growth control, cell competition and neural development

To learn more or apply, contact Nicholas Baker, PhD

  • Investigations of novel oncogenic pathways, drug resistance mechanisms, immune biomarkers and new treatment strategies in lung cancer

To learn more or apply, contact Haiying Cheng, MD, PhD

  • Using state-of-the-art intravital microscopy in live animals with tumors to study cellular phenotypes promoting cancer metastasis at all sites and stages of cancer progression

To learn more or apply, contact John Condeelis, PhD

  • Biology of hematopoietic stem cells and malignancies

To learn more or apply, contact Meelad Dawlaty, PhD

  • Using state-of-the-art intravital microscopy in live animals with tumors to study cellular phenotypes promoting cancer metastasis at all sites and stages of cancer progression

To learn more or apply, contact David Entenberg, PhD

  • Structure, functional and regulation analyses of folate and antifolate transporters

To learn more or apply, contact I. D. Goldman, MD

  • Lineage plasticity in breast cancer using epigenomics methods, CRSPR genome editing, organoid culture and in vivo mouse models

To learn more or apply, contact Wenjun Guo, PhD

  • Investigations of novel oncogenic pathways, drug resistance mechanisms, immune biomarkers and new treatment strategies in lung cancer

To learn more or apply, contact Balazs Halmos, MD

  • Response of immune and tumor microenvironments to cytotoxic chemotherapy, using animal models of cancer progression and digital pathology

To learn more or apply, contact Georgios Karagiannis, PhD

  • Basic and Translational Research to develop new therapeutic strategies in gastrointestinal (GI) cancers

To learn more or apply, contact Chaoyuan Kuang, MD, PhD

  • Functional differentiation of naive and memory CD8 T cells in vaccines and tumors

To learn more or apply, contact Gregoire Lauvau, PhD

  • Host-microbiome interactions

To learn more or apply, contact Sridhar Mani, MD

  • Mechanisms of chemotherapy-mediated senescence

To learn more or apply, contact Hayley McDaid, PhD

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship in Psycho-Oncology

To learn more or apply, contact Alyson Moadel-Robblee, PhD

  • Using state-of-the-art intravital microscopy in live animals with tumors to study cellular phenotypes promoting cancer metastasis at all sites and stages of cancer progression

To learn more or apply, contact Maja Oktay, MD

  • Genomic and molecular biomarkers for prognosis and targeted treatment in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

To learn more or apply, contact Thomas Ow, MD, MS

  • Viral determinants of HIV-1 neuropathogenesis, modulation of ESCRT complexes in HIV-1 budding/release and targeting the RdRP complex of SARS CoV-2

To learn more or apply, contact Vinayaka R. Prasad, PhD

  • Research in cancer epidemiology

To learn more or apply, contact Thomas Rohan, MBBS, PhD

  • Studies of the cancer-immune micro-environment in specimens from patients using digital spatial profiling and quantitative immunofluorescence to define biomarkers for response to therapy and correlating with data from organoid models

To learn more or apply, contact Yvonne Saenger, MD

  • Biochemical, structural and biological approaches to understand how Protein Arginine Methyltransferases (PRMTs) regulate genome function

To learn more or apply, contact David Shechter, PhD

  • Role of dynamic DNA structures in etiology of cancer, fragile X syndrome, autism and telomere dysfunction

To learn more or apply, contact Carl Schildkraut, PhD

  • Genetic, molecular and pharmacologic approaches to identify actionable targets and drugs downstream of RB1 in lung and prostate cancer

To learn more or apply, contact Ed Schwartz, PhD

  • Lung carcinogenesis and inflammation related to epigenetics and clinical factors, using unique DNA methylation and microRNA technologies and airway biomarker strategies, and a large human lung tissue and surrogate repository
  • Omics level surveys of somatic mutation, methylome and transcriptomes of lung tissue and tumors with translation to non-invasive exhaled and exfoliated biomarkers of risk for lung cancer

To learn more or apply, contact Simon Spivack, MD, MPH

  • Characterization of highly selective autophagy pathways in leukemia evolution and maintenance
  • Role of labile intracellular iron pools in hematopoietic stem cell maintenance

To learn more or apply, contact Britta Will, PhD

  • Characterization of highly selective autophagy pathways in leukemia evolution and maintenance
  • Role of labile intracellular iron pools in hematopoietic stem cell maintenance

To learn more or apply, contact B. Hilda Ye, PhD

  • Function and immunotherapeutic potential of newly discovered T-cell immune checkpoints

To learn more or apply, contact XingXing Zang, PhD

Additional Postdoctoral Programs for Students & Professionals

To learn more about other opportunities for fellows, contact:

  • Lauren E. Hackett, Deputy Director of Administration, Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center and Associate Vice President of Cancer Medicine, Montefiore Medicine, at