Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center provides valuable support resources to help you and your family understand and cope with cancer from the time of your diagnosis through treatment and beyond. Whether your needs are physical, spiritual or emotional, the supportive services offered by our compassionate, expert team will enhance your life as you and your loved ones navigate your cancer journey.
Cancer Support Community
The psychological and emotional impacts of a cancer diagnosis and cancer treatment can have a significant impact on people with cancer and their families. From psycho-oncology/behavioral medicine to full-service supportive care, our comprehensive cancer support programs are designed to help you and your loved ones live better.
If you have recently been diagnosed with cancer, are currently undergoing cancer treatment, are in post-treatment or are at genetic risk for cancer, our programs can help. Our caring and supportive staff offer free classes to patients, spouses and family members. We also offer many resources in both English and Spanish.
Bronx Oncology Living Daily (BOLD) Program
Bronx Oncology Living Daily (BOLD), is a wellness and support program open to anyone affected by cancer, including our patients, their caregivers, those receiving cancer care elsewhere and members of Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center community. All services are free of charge. We offer multiple weekly and monthly workshops. While workshops may change over time, past workshops have included:
- Creative Arts: Crochet, Scrapbooking, Expressive Writing; Drum Circle; Board & Card Games; Jewelry Making
- Educational Programs: Body Image, Relationships/Intimacy, Going Back to Work, Life After Cancer, Spirituality, Managing Treatment Side Effects, Communicating Your Needs
- Mind-Body: Yoga, Meditation, Dance Movement Therapy, Reiki, Stress Management
- Nutrition/Physical Activity: Community Garden, Trips and Tastings, Walking Group, Dance Fitness
Psychosocial Oncology Services
To help you and your family members with the emotional aspects of cancer care, we also offer individual counseling and support groups for cancer patients, survivors, family members and caregivers. Sessions are available in English and Spanish. Psychosocial Oncology interns provide these counseling sessions under the supervision of a licensed health psychologist.
Social Work Services
You and your loved ones can receive supportive counseling from specialized oncology social workers. These master’s-level-trained clinicians offer valuable support to patients, families and caregivers.
Smoking Cessation Program
The Cancer Center’s “Be BOLD–Quit Smoking Program” is an eight-session program designed to help anyone kick the habit. A trained counselor leads the program, providing the help and support you need to succeed. This includes tips for breaking the habit and tools for conquering urges and temptations. This eight-session program is offered in both English and Spanish.
For more information or to register, please call 718-430-2697.
Mind-Body-Spirit Cancer Support Group
This group focuses on a holistic approach to improving your quality of life after cancer. These weekly sessions are available to individuals with advanced stages of cancer and those who are actively in treatment.
Meditation Stress Management Program
If you are a breast cancer survivor, you might benefit from learning relaxation skills and meditation practices to promote stress reduction and inner peace. This cancer support group is funded by the Avon Foundation as part of a research study to examine the benefits of meditation after breast cancer.
Quality of Life Screening Program
To ensure that you and your family are getting the support services you need, the Cancer Center offers a Quality of Life Screening Program. Through this innovative, helpful program, you can speak with a professional about your physical, emotional and spiritual needs. The program, offered in English and Spanish, is part of a research study to improve the quality of life among those affected by cancer.