New research.
New discoveries.
New options.

We are among the elite 1% NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers in the U.S. — and we are ranked in the top 1% of all U.S. hospitals for cancer care, according to U.S. News & World Report.

NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center badge
US News Cancer badge

Treating More Than 200 Types of Cancer
Over 500 Active Clinical Trials

Patient undergoing MRI scan

Navigating Your Cancer Care

At Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center, you receive evidence-based cancer care that addresses the unique needs of each individual patient. Our NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center brings the worlds of clinical care and academic research together and allows for the translation of novel, leading-edge scientific discoveries into improved clinical outcomes and new life-saving treatments.

Using a multidisciplinary team of disease-focused experts, our full-service cancer center is focused on the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer while incorporating a comprehensive spectrum of traditional and holistic care. This allows us to deliver highly specialized and coordinated compassionate care for the whole person, address complex medical needs and improve the quality of life for each and every patient.

A middle-aged black man in tortoiseshell glasses and a blue casual shirt laughs while holding a trumpet.

Over 50 Years of Cancer Research & Treatment Breakthroughs

A man and a happy woman with curly hair embrace; in the background, a man applauds.

Our Latest Research

Advancing human health, scientific discovery and innovation through cancer research

Leaders in the Science of Cancer Care

At Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center, we’re committed to finding new and better cancer treatment options.
Our research breakthroughs continue to lead to game-changing cancer treatment practices and give patients a chance to join upcoming clinical trials, which may offer potentially successful treatment options. We’ve received accreditation from the NCI for more than 50 years in a row. Our facility is one of only 56 NCI-designated comprehensive cancer centers across the United States, which means that through the NCI peer review process, we’ve been recognized by our national colleagues for the remarkable strengths of our exceptional science integrated with extraordinary multidisciplinary patient care. We’re also the only NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center located between Westchester and Buffalo. We made that expansion from Manhattan to Westchester to provide convenient access to cancer patients across the region.

State-of-the-art 250 mixer xang xang.
GE Pristina mammogram machine.

State-of-the-Art Technology

At Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center, we are proud to provide patients with the newest technology available and offer the latest surgical and therapeutic techniques. Our goal is to utilize the least invasive solutions for your cancer care.

That is why we offer the latest in image-guided, immuno-, cellular and targeted therapies, to name just a few.

Some of our other molecular imaging technology includes the latest three-dimensional systems for bioluminescence imaging (BLI), fluorescence molecular imaging (FMI), positron emission tomography (PET) and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).

Committed to Moving Faster Than Cancer

Medical professional in a dimly lit room using state-of-the-art medical technology in an operating room.

Cancer Center Highlights Report

Our Highlights Report documents our remarkable innovations in research, treatment and care.

See how the past couple of years have been a remarkable time of vision and growth.

Radixact machine

Meet Your Cancer Care Team

Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center is home to 14 teams of award-winning, multidisciplinary experts who will develop a highly personalized treatment plan specific to your particular type of cancer, including those considered rare.


Schedule a Consultation

Consultations are available in person, by phone or by video visit. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

 A woman sitting with a laptop.

Events at Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center

At Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center, we’re passionate about enriching the health and well-being of our community. To meet different interests and needs, we offer in-person and virtual events, classes, support groups and other activities year-round.

Screenings & Prevention

Learn more about screenings offered at Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Colon Inflatable display
Clinical Trials illustration

Featured Cancer Clinical Trials

NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center badge
US News Cancer badge
Commission on Cancer badge
FACT Accredited
NAP BC Badge
Computer Tomography Accredited Facility - ACR
ACR-Diagnostic Imaging Center of Excellence logo
2023 Partner ACS badge

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