ExCEL (Excellence in Career Enrichment Leadership)

The early career bench and physician-scientists in Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Transdisciplinary Research Programs are committed to nurturing the next generation of  multidisciplinary cancer investigators. Several of these faculty have joined the Excellence in Career Enrichment Leadership (ExCEL) Committee, which, among other efforts, runs an annual award competition and symposium for senior postdoctoral investigators.

ExCEL Committee

Committee members are bringing their remarkable energy, expertise, and experience working in the cancer field to focus on:

  • representing the interests of Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center early career members
  • training the next generation of Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center leaders
  • highlighting new research opportunities and technologies for the Cancer Center

The members are early-career investigators themselves, contributing to the work of:

The Stem Cell and Cancer Biology Program

The Cancer Therapeutics Program

The Tumor Microenvironment and Metastasis Program

The Cancer Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Program

ExCEL Scholar Award Competition & Symposium

Every year, the ExCEL Committee invites up to four exceptional postdoctoral investigators to present their work at a half-day Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine research symposium.

The 2025 ExCEL Scholar Award Symposium is scheduled for Friday, March 14th.

Scholars who have made outstanding research achievements and have an interest in MECCC Transdisciplinary Research Program areas are invited to apply.

Awardees not only present their work but have the opportunity to network with MECCC faculty and trainees to learn more about MECCC research.

The ExCEL Scholar Award Competition & Symposium is a MECCC Cancer Research Training & Education Coordination (CRTEC) event.


Postdoctoral investigators pursuing research in labs in the United States are eligible to apply. Applicants pursuing research in labs in the United States are eligible.

Application Components:

PLEASE NOTE: Your application is automatically saved as you work on it. 

If you don’t finish in one sitting, you will always be able pick up where you left off.

  • Applicant Information: Name, Contact information, Demographic information.
  • Program Information: Which Cancer Center programs does your research align with: Tumor Microenvironment & Metastasis, Stem Cell & Cancer Biology, Cancer Therapeutics, Cancer Epidemiology, Prevention & Control.
  • Curriculum Vitae: Your complete curriculum vitae, including a bibliography. Please highlight any leadership activities.
  • Research Summaries: A summary of your research accomplishments, their significance within your field (500-word limit), and a summary of your future research goals (500-word limit).
  • Letter of Recommendation: Please provide the contact information of your postdoctoral mentor or another faculty member with direct knowledge of your research. Once we receive their contact information, we will email them directly with instructions on how to submit their recommendation.

How to Apply

Applications for the ExCEL Scholars Award Competition for 2025 are open from Monday, September 16, 2024 and close on Monday, November 18, 2024. Accepted applicants will be invited to visit Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center and Albert Einstein College of Medicine to participate in the annual ExCEL symposium and networking events, with all travel and lodging expenses covered. Please click the link below for full application instructions and to apply:

Contact Information 

Please email excelsymposium@einsteinmed.edu for information about the application requirements and submission deadline for the 2025 ExCEL Scholar Award Competition.