A researcher lookiing into a microscope in a lab

Our Research

Montefiore Einstein Center for Transplantation is at the forefront of solid organ transplant research, led by a multidisciplinary team of scientists actively conducting studies in collaboration with specialists across the world. The Center’s innovations in clinical, translational and basic research continue to surface new insights in the field of transplantation, enabling us to offer innovative treatments and access to advanced clinical research trials that lead to improved outcomes and overall quality of life.

A lab researcher putting a sample into a petri dish

Liver Research

We study a diverse cross-section of clinical research topics related to liver transplant, including liver cancer, acute liver failure, hepatitis, fatty liver disease, and cellular/stem transplants.

Marion Bessin Liver Research Center

The Marion Bessin Liver Research Center focuses on studying the fundamental mechanisms of normal liver function; alterations in these functions resulting from metabolic disorders, genetic diseases, acute and chronic liver injury, hepatitis virus infection, hepatic fibrosis and liver cancer; and ways to overcome these abnormalities using advanced methods of genetic engineering, gene therapy and liver cell transplantation.

Two researchers in a lab, one looking into a microscope.

Kidney Transplant Research

We study a diverse cross-section of clinical research topics related to kidney transplantation, including sensitized patients, immunologic risk assessment, and many more. Our lab-based research is supported by grants from National Institutes of Health (NIH), Radiation Oncology Institute (ROI) and many others. We continue to uncover new insights, with a focus on microarray technology and molecular diagnostic methods.

Scientist in lab coat using pipette to measure sample in laboratory.

Clinical Trials

Our kidney and pancreatic transplantation teams actively conduct numerous multicenter trials that continue to uncover life-changing insights, including a recently published discovery showing that transplantation of Hepatitis C-positive kidneys into uninfected recipients creates an opportunity to increase organ access. Additional clinical trials include kidney transplant complications, Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome (NS), and diagnostic molecular features in kidney allograft biopsies.

News & Publications

Our lab-based basic scientists and physician scientists publish widely in peer-reviewed journals on a broad range of subjects within the field, including the underlying mechanisms of disease that lead to the need for kidney transplant, as well as new findings in kidney immunology.

Two scientists in a lab looking at a sample