A man and his dog enjoying a boat ride together.

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)

Our Approach to Coronary Artery Bypass

Emblema de US News Heart & Vascular

Montefiore Einstein Center for Heart and Vascular Care continues to be a globally recognized leader in the field of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), having performed the first successful CABG surgery in 1960. Our program is committed to continuously advancing the development of minimally invasive surgical techniques and other solutions to develop new treatments and improve clinical outcomes in patients with coronary artery disease. We’re ranked in the top 1% of all hospitals in the nation for Cardiology, Heart & Vascular Surgery and high performing in heart bypass according to U.S. News & World Report.

A portrait of a man in the operating room.

Tratamientos avanzados

Montefiore Einstein Center for Heart and Vascular Care is renowned for our expertise in performing CABG, also known as heart bypass surgery, which harvests healthy blood vessels from another part of the body and uses them to connect blood vessels above and below the blocked artery. This creates a new route for blood to flow that bypasses the narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. Our program is also known for having developed and refined off-pump bypass surgery, which helps avoid potential inflammatory responses in high-risk patients. Additionally, our program helps patients seeking alternative treatments to invasive heart surgery understand which treatments offer the best clinical outcomes and quality of life.

Portrait of senior couple in front of suburban home.

Multiple Bypass Grafting

In cases of multiple coronary bypass grafting, the surgeon will also utilize a mammary artery or a vein from the leg, using a minimally invasive procedure. Using the patient’s angiogram as a guide, the surgical team examines the problem blood vessel in the heart. Using a suture half the size of a human hair, the surgeon sews the unblocked end of the coronary artery to the mammary artery or vein taken from the leg, which is then routed around the blockage and connected directly to the aorta, restoring blood flow.

Su equipo del corazón

Montefiore Einstein's Coronary Artery Bypass Program includes an interdisciplinary team of cardiologists, cardiac and cardiovascular surgeons, and other specialists who work together to determine the best treatment plans for each patient, from diagnosis to recovery and after-care. 

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Nuestros centros médicos

To find doctors and specialists, please call 718-920-2100.

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Para pacientes, familiares y cuidadores

To learn more about the Montefiore Einstein Coronary Bypass Surgery, please call 718-920-2100.

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