Nuestro equipo

When you choose Montefiore, you can be confident that our board-certified surgeons are top-notch leaders in their field. Each surgeon has a passion for the field of aesthetic surgery, and they love this part of their respective fields. Their skilled hands and eyes are coupled with their calm, professional and welcoming personalities, giving you the utmost confidence that you are in great hands. They will take the time to listen to your concerns and hopes, and, together, you can achieve the ideal you.

Estética Montefiore
1250 Waters Place,  Bronx NY
Phone:  929-263-3000

Team Director

Oren M. Tepper, MD, Director of the Craniofacial Surgery Program, Children's Hospital at Montefiore Einstein, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Cancer

Dr. Oren M. Tepper

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Cancer
Director del Programa de Cirugía Craneofacial, Children's Hospital at Montefiore Einstein
Perfil completo


Teresa  Benacquista, MD, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Breast Cancer, Cancer

Dra. Teresa Benacquista

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Breast Cancer, Cancer
Perfil completo

Evan S. Garfein, MD, Chief, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Cancer

Dr. Evan S. Garfein

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Cancer
Chief, Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva
Perfil completo