Good nutrition is vital in your cancer journey. At Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center, you have access to a team of leading oncology dietitians who are experts in cancer nutrition. Whether you’re looking for information about the best foods to eat during cancer treatment or you need dietary suggestions that may assist in lowering your risk of cancer returning, our team can provide personalized nutritional counseling and guidance.

If you’re interested in meeting with one of our skilled registered dietitians, please speak with a member of your cancer care team to request a referral and assist you in scheduling a consultation. Appointments are conveniently available on the Einstein campus and the Moses campus.

Nutrition Before, During & After Cancer Treatment

Everyone with cancer has different dietary needs. The type of cancer you have, your treatment plan and the side effects you may experience, such as reduced appetite or changes in taste, all come into play when deciding the best foods to boost your health and help your body’s ability to face cancer and heal.

Our experienced dietitians are specially trained in the unique nutritional needs of people with all types of cancer. They’ll work closely with you and the other members of your dedicated, multidisciplinary care team. Their goal is to provide you with personalized dietary counseling through every stage of your cancer journey. Together, you’ll focus on having the best quality of life and reaching your best outcome with healthy nutrition that tastes delicious, matches your preferences and nourishes your body as part of your comprehensive cancer care plan.

Nutritional counseling can be particularly important if you’re already following a special diet for other health reasons, like diabetes or heart disease. Our team will help you create a plan that considers all aspects of your health.

Dietary Suggestions Before Cancer Treatment

Eating nutritious foods and trying to maintain a healthy weight before your treatment begins may help you:

  • Better respond to treatments and prevent or lessen potential side effects
  • Complete your planned therapies
  • Keep up your strength

Our team will explain what you might experience during treatment, make helpful food recommendations and teach you ways to make eating well easier.

Dietary Suggestions During Active Cancer Treatment

Cancer and cancer treatment may cause side effects that make it challenging to eat. You may experience loss of appetite, changes in your sense of taste, nausea, vomiting or difficulty swallowing. Our registered dietitians are available to assist you in managing these symptoms and side effects. Their goal is to help you feel your best throughout your cancer journey, so you can focus on healing and enjoying your daily life and favorite activities. Get more information about managing symptoms and side effects.

Dietary Suggestions Following Cancer Treatment

It’s important to understand that the best nutritional plan for you before and during treatment may not be the best diet for you after treatment. Which is just one of the reasons our team is here for you in survivorship. They can show you how to maintain a healthy diet after treatment, help you implement dietary changes to reduce your risk for cancer returning and provide you with concrete steps to help reach and maintain the weight that feels right for you.

Nutrition Programs & Resources

Throughout the year, our expert dietitians offer well-rounded programs and services designed to help you make healthy food choices. We invite you and your caregivers to join us.

The Bronx Oncology Living Daily (BOLD) Program

Take part in nutrition groups led in conjunction with the Bronx Oncology Living Daily (BOLD) Program. These groups are open to all and offer nutrition guidance during and after your treatment.

Events That Might Interest You

Throughout the year, we offer several public events and classes. We design these community engagement programs to help you learn about cancer, cancer prevention, and living with the disease.

Events illustration