Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center offers follow-up and survivorship services to all cancer patients and their families. At every stage of your cancer journey, from diagnosis through treatment and beyond, our survivorship program is here to provide whole-person support for your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental wellbeing.

Survivorship Services

The survivorship team includes nationally recognized oncology experts who draw on broad experience and have helped countless cancer survivors throughout their journeys. As part of your ongoing follow-up plan, the survivorship program offers:

The survivorship and cancer nurse navigator teams work together during your treatment. Once your treatment has been completed, your survivorship team is still here for you as your dedicated resource for ongoing support.

Individual Counseling

Our Psychosocial Oncology Program offers free individual counseling for cancer patients, family members, those at risk for cancer and medical staff. These services are provided by psychology interns and externs under the direct supervision of an expert licensed clinical health psychologist.

Individual counseling can help in many ways, including support and suggestions on how to best cope with:

REACT Clinic

We developed the Reassessment and Evaluation After Cancer Treatment (REACT) clinic to meet the needs of childhood cancer survivors. The goal of REACT is to maximize your quality of life by providing outstanding long-term medical and psychological education, screening and treatment.

Many people treated for cancer as children or teenagers are at risk of having certain medical and psychological problems as they get older. These problems may be caused by cancer therapies such as chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. Our program supports you and provides additional resources and information to your general pediatricians and primary care, or family medicine doctors, who may not be familiar with the possible late effects of childhood cancer treatment.

For questions regarding our services, or to make an appointment at the REACT clinic, please contact Annette Torres at  718-741-2301.

BOLD Buddies

Support during and after cancer treatment can make things easier. Our Bronx Oncology Living Daily (BOLD) Buddy Program is there to lend a helping hand. BOLD Buddies are cancer survivors who are dedicated to serving as compassionate companions as you navigate your cancer journey. Whether a patient is recently diagnosed, in the middle of treatment or in remission, BOLD buddies offer much needed psychological and emotional support. Talking with others who understand and can identify with what you are going through can make all the difference in the world.

Events That Might Interest You

Throughout the year, we offer several public events and classes. We design these community engagement programs to help you learn about cancer, cancer prevention, and living with the disease.

Events illustration