BRONx-CAN Program

Getting the right treatment at the right time is critical to improving cancer outcomes. The team at Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center, with support from the American Cancer Society, has developed the BRONx-CAN program to help people navigate early treatment options for specific types of cancer.

If you have cancer, your doctor may recommend therapy to shrink your tumor before other treatments, like surgery. This early treatment—often with chemotherapy, radiation therapy or hormone therapy—is known as neoadjuvant therapy.

Starting neoadjuvant therapy at the right time can impact how well your body responds to treatment. But neoadjuvant therapy can last weeks or even months and involves many visits, imaging appointments or lab tests—which can make this important part of your cancer journey challenging to navigate.

BRONx-Can is a navigation program to help you schedule and coordinate neoadjuvant therapy visits. BRONx-CAN team members also connect you to support services and programs for more holistic care during your cancer treatment.

Medical professional engages with patients as part of the BRONx-CAN program.

Who BRONx-CAN Serves

BRONx-CAN serves people with lung cancer and certain gastrointestinal cancers, including esophageal, gastric, pancreatic and rectal cancers.

The program is designed to improve outcomes and increase support for people facing cancer—especially those most vulnerable in our community who may experience barriers to accessing care.

Woman running in a marathon
Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center BRONx-CAN navigator with pen and clipboard supporting a smiling patient.


To best serve patients in our community, BRONx-CAN navigators partner with our Bronx Oncology Living Daily (BOLD) buddy program volunteers to review outcomes and gather feedback from patients directly.