About Turner Syndrome
New York Center for Rare Diseases apoya la misión y las pautas del Centro de Información sobre Enfermedades Raras y Genéticas (GARD, por sus siglas en inglés). La siguiente información ha sido proporcionada por los NIH.
Turner syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that affects development in females. It results when a female’s cells have one normal X chromosome and the other sex chromosome is either missing or structurally altered (females without Turner syndrome have two normal X chromosomes in each cell, and males have one X and one Y chromosome). Signs and symptoms may include short stature, premature ovarian failure, a “webbed” neck, a low hairline at the back of the neck, and swelling (lymphedema) of the hands and feet. Some people with Turner syndrome have skeletal abnormalities, kidney problems, and/or a congenital heart defect. Most affected girls and women have normal intelligence, but some have developmental delays, learning disabilities, and/or behavior problems. Turner syndrome is typically not inherited, but it can be inherited in rare cases.
¿Qué causa esta enfermedad?
Genetic Mutations: Turner syndrome is caused by genetic mutations, also known as pathogenic variants. Genetic mutations can be hereditary, when parents pass them down to their children, or they may occur randomly when cells are dividing. Genetic mutations may also result from contracted viruses, environmental factors, such as UV radiation from sunlight exposure, or a combination of any of these.
Si sospecha que puede tener esta enfermedad, se recomienda que empiece a recopilar el historial de salud de su familia. Debe comentar con su equipo médico cualquier información sobre otros familiares que hayan tenido síntomas similares, cuándo aparecieron por primera vez dichos síntomas (en usted o en sus parientes) o la exposición a factores ambientales que pudieran, potencialmente, causar la enfermedad.
Chromosomal Changes: Turner syndrome is caused by a change in the number of chromosomes a person has, or a change in their structure. Chromosomes are structures within cells that hold all our genes. People usually have 46 chromosomes, 23 come from the biological mother and 23 come from the biological father. Most of the time, chromosomal changes occur randomly in the sperm or egg, but some changes are known to be passed on from parent to child.
Dados los cambios cromosómicos conocidos de esta enfermedad, se recomienda que pregunte a su equipo de atención médica si las pruebas cromosómicas son adecuadas para usted. Los resultados de las pruebas cromosómicas pueden confirmar o descartar una posible enfermedad cromosómica, o determinar la probabilidad de que una persona transmita una enfermedad.