Transformative Community Initiatives

Combining an unwavering dedication to advancing community health with our nationally recognized clinical excellence, our programs are a bridge between our institution and local communities. These initiatives tackle critical issues like healthcare access, food security and neighborhood development, making a profound impact on the health and vitality of our communities.

Young girls with face paint smiling through heart sculpture

Building Health Equity Through Access

At Montefiore Einstein, we recognize that health isn't just about medical care; it's deeply influenced by where people live, work and learn. Through partnerships with community organizations and local residents, we tailor impactful programs to meet the unique needs of each community.

MSHP is the largest and most comprehensive school-based healthcare network in the United States. Founded in 1983, the program currently operates in 33 locations, serving 75 schools across the Bronx and Southern Westchester County to deliver primary care, mental healthcare, oral health and many other kinds of community health services to patients, regardless of citizenship status and ability to pay. MSHP is home to the Healthy Kids Program, which promotes actions that increase physical activity and healthy eating for Bronx youth and their families.

Find Participating Schools and Services

BHC, in partnership with Terra Firma, delivers crucial medical, mental and enabling services, such as care coordination, health education and transportation to more than 9,000 individuals annually. Through unique interventions and a steadfast mission, BHC is fighting to end the cycle of poverty. Operating out of a network of three federally qualified health centers within Montefiore Einstein, BHC serves some of the most marginalized New Yorkers living in the country’s poorest congressional district. Most of BHC’s families live in communities that are challenged by poverty, social inequities and health disparities.

For example, in the South Bronx, 45% of children live in poverty, far exceeding the national average of 18%. An overwhelming 80% of residents live in overcrowded and substandard conditions in dense public housing. Additionally, the rates of diabetes, asthma, obesity and HIV are 30% to 80% higher than citywide rates.

BHC's transformative program extends support to families, unaccompanied homeless youth, unaccompanied refugee children and families seeking protection within the United States.

Contact: 718-991-0605

Learn More About Terra Firma

BRAID is an evidence-based community engagement model developed in 2020 by a team of Montefiore Einstein clinicians and researchers to improve our health messaging to the community. This model aims to build trust between community members, local healthcare providers, researchers and health systems. 

The BRAID model brings people together for facilitated discussions about trust in science, healthcare delivery and research, health equity and timely health issues. Through our conversation circles, casual dialogue helps individuals develop relationships and find commonalities. Our dedicated clinicians and scientists respond to community questions while combating misinformation, grounding their answers in national and local data and emerging evidence.

Once trust is established, participants collaborate to co-design health messages specifically for the community on health-equity topics like cancer screening, vaccination and the importance of diversity in clinical trials. Community members share those messages with social networks and recruit other trusted messengers as local health influencers to broadcast accurate information as widely as possible.

Contact: Damara Gutnick, MD
Senior Director, Office of Community and Population Health

Children smiling at table with aprons and food

Improving Food Security

Fighting food insecurity stands as one of our paramount endeavors. Through purposeful programs, we pave the way to healthier options, nourishing well-being with essential nutrition while embracing the richness of diverse cultural food practices.

In 2020, the Mosholu Preservation Corporation and Friends of Mosholu Parkland created the Bronx NeighborFood Initiative with the goal of addressing healthy food access in the Bronx while highlighting the borough’s rich cultural diversity. 

Funded by a generous Deutsche Bank grant, NeighborFood collaborates with community organizations and institutions in the Bronx to cultivate edible gardens. These green oases serve as hubs for workshops and educational programs, promoting healthy eating habits and connecting community members to the land through gardening workshops. 

We provide technical assistance and aid with the development and implementation of nutrition workshops, food demonstrations and other initiatives to support each garden. Beyond their practical purpose, these gardens become nurturing spaces where members of the Bronx community can unite to share experiences with food and gardening as well as cherished culinary traditions. NeighborFood sows the seeds of change, nourishing a healthier, more united Bronx.

Contact: Daniela Beasley, Executive Director 

Learn More About NeighborFood

Every November, our Office of Community Affairs coordinates multiple fresh produce distributions, complementing the various holiday turkey giveaways in our neighborhoods with locally sourced, seasonal and culturally appropriate produce. Our goal is to provide community families with effortless access to nutritious holiday vegetables while continuing to address food insecurity.


Project Bravo Food Pantry is a community-based outreach program supporting the most in-need populations of the Bronx. Coordinating with Montefiore Einstein clinics and community partners like FeedNYC, Project Bravo Food Pantry enriches people’s lives by providing assistance with health, wellness and nutrition initiatives. Our clinics actively screen patients for social factors that impact health, such as food insecurity. Additionally, this program works to address the high rates of HIV among at-risk families and younger LGBTQ community members.

Learn More About Project Bravo Food Pantry

Since its inception in 1974, the Montefiore Einstein WIC program, New York State's oldest of its kind, continues to serve approximately 13,000 women, infants and children. We actively refer eligible women to this crucial nutrition-centered initiative and provide space for food demonstrations, peer counseling and physical fitness education.

Based on income, healthcare providers also identify and refer women to the WIC program, where they undergo screening and meet with a nutrition counselor. Monthly vouchers are provided for purchasing nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs, juice, beans, bread and peanut butter from supermarkets.

WIC counselors encourage breastfeeding for newborns up to six months, offering vouchers for baby food and cereal thereafter. Participants have regular consultations with nutritionists every three months, while qualification verification occurs annually. Montefiore Einstein's commitment to the WIC program remains steadfast, nurturing healthier futures for women, infants and children.

Learn More About WIC

Volunteers in winter coats smiling next to fresh produce

Making an Impact

Strengthening Communities Through Investment

Our commitment to community extends beyond the realm of healthcare. Our multifaceted approach targets vital areas like affordable housing, local economic development and neighborhood improvements, serving as a driving force for enduring, positive change.

As a nonprofit corporation within Montefiore Einstein, our dedicated team at MPC is committed to preserving and revitalizing local communities. Through a range of impactful initiatives, we focus on creating and maintaining quality affordable housing, stimulating economic investment through workforce development, supporting small businesses and making aesthetic improvements in the neighborhood.

MPC is governed by a board of directors composed of community leaders, Montefiore Einstein trustees and experts in management and development who generously contribute their expertise and time.

Contact: 718-324-4461

Learn More About MPC

The Supplier Diversity Program, coupled with our Buy Local Initiative, enriches our communities by cultivating long-lasting partnerships and sourcing goods and services from neighborhood businesses.

We welcome businesses of all sizes that are owned by historically marginalized groups—including minorities, women, LGBTQ individuals, veterans and people with disabilities. At Montefiore Einstein, we believe in creating a vendor network that reflects the rich diversity of the communities we serve.

Learn More About the Supplier Diversity Program

Young man holding tablet in warehouse

Supporting Patients & Families

At Montefiore Einstein, our community programs are designed to support the holistic well-being of individuals and their families, providing practical and social assistance to those living with illness.

The Bronx Oncology Living Daily (BOLD) program provides free wellness and support services to cancer patients and their families in the Bronx and across the New York region.

Our nationally recognized team of specialists and volunteers—many of whom are cancer survivors themselves—offer a diverse range of programs specifically designed to meet the unique needs and interests of those affected by cancer. These programs include free wellness, artistic and mind-body workshops. We also offer specialized initiatives, such as a research-based yoga program and a mind-body support group. For those looking to quit smoking, our Be BOLD: Quit Smoking initiative is designed to help you successfully kick the nicotine habit. Additionally, our BOLD Buddies program connects socially isolated cancer patients with companions for treatment and phone-based support.

Contact: 718-430-2380

Learn More About BOLD

The Oval Center at Montefiore provides timely and confidential services for the prevention, testing, diagnosis and treatment of various sexually transmitted infections. The Center also offers convenient access to highly effective HIV prevention options like pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). Additionally, we prioritize inclusivity, offering gender-affirming therapies, hormones and referrals to surgical programs with low-barrier access for transgender and gender nonconforming clients.

Contact: 718-882-5482

Learn More About the Oval Center at Montefiore

Our SHR program in the Bronx fosters partner relationships, promotes child development and empowers low-income couples with economic benefits. Research underscores the link between parental conflict and poverty, making this program crucial in addressing these interconnected challenges while strengthening families.

Contact: 718-401-5050

Learn More About Supporting Healthy Relationships

Father playing with sons while camping in yard
Lourdes Perez, cancer patient, BOLD program participant

“The BOLD program allowed me to talk about everything. I have someone who totally knows what cancer is about, and someone who knows where my mind is at.”

Lourdes Perez
Cancer patient, BOLD program participant

Preventing Disease

At Montefiore Einstein, our focus is on proactive healthcare, targeting common health issues like diabetes and the flu before they arise. Through a range of initiatives, we provide education, vaccinations, screenings and other vital services to families and community members, all with the goal of ensuring a healthier, thriving community.

The Rethink Your Drink project was created in response to high levels of obesity and obesity-related diseases facing Bronx residents. As part of the Montefiore Healthy Store Initiative, the program’s primary objective is to enhance the availability of nutritious beverages in local bodegas. By raising awareness regarding the sugar content found in common beverages and shedding light on how sugary drinks are marketed to youth and communities of color, this project empowers residents to make informed, health-conscious beverage choices.

Our “Rethink Your Drink” ads are endorsed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and spread accurate information about sugar-sweetened beverages found in local schools, health clinics, faith-based organizations and community centers.

At the Children's Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM), the Suzanne Pincus Family Learning Place (FLP) serves as a hub where parents and caregivers can find valuable information about child health, connect with one another and discover community resources and support services. Committed to family-centered care, FLP enables families to make well-informed decisions regarding their child's healthcare. The program also provides educational materials for medical providers, enhancing their ability to effectively communicate and engage with families.

Contact: Administrative Office

Learn More About FLP

The Starfish Program, led by the Liver Disease Division at Montefiore Einstein, tackles the pressing issue of hepatitis B within the Bronx's West African community. Hepatitis B is prevalent in West Africa and presents a serious health risk that often goes unaddressed among West African people in the Bronx. To combat this, the program offers free screenings and educational resources to raise awareness and facilitate early treatment. The initiative seeks to protect this vibrant community by providing essential preventative and ongoing care.

Visit the Starfish Hepatitis B Community Outreach Program for more information.

Physician caring for patient

Clinical Trials—Paving the Path to Inclusive Medicine

By ensuring diverse community representation in research and clinical trials, we pave the way for a future in medicine that is both equitable and innovative. These strictly regulated studies focus on local health issues, and our hands-on involvement helps make new treatments both safe and effective. This commitment to research offers our patients opportunities for groundbreaking medical care, ultimately contributing to a healthcare environment that serves everyone in the community.

Clinical Trials illustration

Your Generosity
Transforms Lives

Your support empowers our life-changing scientific discoveries and clinical excellence, and your partnership is vital in the pursuit of our mission to advance the health of the communities we serve.

Giving Illustration

Accelerating the Pace of

Standing as a beacon of research excellence across multiple healthcare disciplines, we are at the forefront of scientific discovery, enhancing diagnostics and treatments that change lives.

Accelerating the Pace of Discovery