Speciality: Advanced Lung Failure and Lung Transplantation


Paul Rivera got a new lung and a new life.

Paul grew up in the Bronx. And yes, he may have gotten into a little bit of trouble along the way, but he always wanted to make something more of himself.

Paul Story Montage

After serving in the Army, Paul moved home and became one of those hardworking citizens who keep New York City going. Working construction and HVAC his whole life, he was building a career he was proud of. But then the cough started. And it was persistent.

The cough started getting really heavy and my chest was inflamed. I couldn’t take the pain. And my wife says ‘Okay, that’s it. We’re going to the emergency room.’

And one December I get this cough and my wife says "That cough sounds bad. I think you should go to the doctor." And I said "I really don’t want to miss a day of school. I’ve got such a perfect attendance." And she says "Yeah, but the cough," and I said "Don’t worry. I think it’s just a small cold." So at almost about three o’clock in the morning, the cough started getting really heavy and my chest was inflamed. I couldn’t take the pain. And my wife says "Okay, that’s it. We’re going to the emergency room."

Paul in a jogging suit wearing a cap

What Paul thought was a cold was actually pulmonary fibrosis, likely caused by chemical exposure on the job. The disease had made the tissues in Paul’s lung thick and stiff. Oxygen wasn’t moving efficiently to his brain or heart. It was untreatable. Paul’s only hope was a lung transplant.


I said: God, either send me a lung or take my life. I can’t take this suffering anymore.

Now I’m to a point where I’m actually in a wheelchair because I can’t take two steps without stopping and losing my breath. My wife has to bathe me. She has to feed me. She has to dress me. She has to do everything for me because I cannot do anything for myself anymore. And that hurt. That hurt that I couldn’t work anymore. [CRIES] I said: God, either send me a lung or take my life. I can’t take this suffering anymore.

But his history of coronary heart disease made him a risky candidate for a transplant, Paul was dying. While others turned him down as his health deteriorated to the point of no return, only one hospital, Montefiore Einstein, stepped in. Just in time.

Paul Story Montage

Montefiore Einstein chooses to do difficult cases that other centers choose not to. And that’s because we believe in our patients and want to give them a better life and a second chance.

— Ali Y. Mansour, MD


Highly trained in complex medical cases like Paul’s, experts at Montefiore Einstein's Advanced Lung Failure and Lung Transplant Program heard about Paul and took him on just in time.

Stephen J. Forest, MD

Paul reflects the type of patient we are willing to take care of here, and the challenges we’re willing to tackle.

— Stephen J. Forest, MD

After just a few months on the waiting list for a transplant, Montefiore Einstein found the lung Paul deserved. The surgery was a success, and within days, Paul was breathing easy again.

Did they give that guy a new lung, or a new motor?

— Rita, Paul's Neighbor

Everyone Loves a Comeback

Following his transplant, Paul’s stamina returned. He began working out like he had during his days in the Army. Today, at 67, Paul’s at his peak and fitter than ever. Montefiore Einstein got Paul a new lung, and they gave him a new life.

Montefiore Einstein...what you gave me, I’m going to make it last as long as I can.

Thank God Montefiore [Einstein] came into my life and said "Yeah, I think his heart will survive this surgery." They rolled me down into the operating room and five hours later I came out and it was such a relief. I felt so good. I started getting stronger and stronger and a week after surgery I get discharged home. And the only way I can show my gratitude is to show them that, you know what you gave me, I’m going to make it last as long as I can. You know, I’m going to give you good results. Every time you see me, you’re going to see me even better.

Paul's hand showing his New Beginning pendant

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