Didactic Programs



700-800 am – Junior Seminar/Senior Seminar

800-900 am – Grand Rounds

900-1030 am – Resident Education Series (a 2-year rotating curriculum through 8 different subspecialties)

1030-1130 am – Pathology, Radiology, Sub-Specialty Conference



800 am-1200 pm – Temporal Bone Lab


Additional programming

Monthly Journal Club – at faculty home or local restaurant

For West team:

Peds Airway Conference – 4th Tuesday 800-900 am

Otology Rounds – Monday 800-900 am

Head and Neck Rounds – Monday Morning 900-1000 am

Strobe Rounds – Second Monday 1000-1100 am

Annual Conferences

Triological Society Sectional Meeting* - January

Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meetings* - April

Goldstein Pediatric Lecture (LIJ) - April

Department Wide Research Meeting – review faculty and resident research – May

City Wide Resident Research Competition – May

Business of Medicine/Life After Residency – leadership with Cornell and Sinai – Spring (offered to all NYC residency programs and since 2021 done in combination with resident research day)

Rutgers Sinus Dissection Course – May/June

Resident Graduation – guest speaker and resident papers – late June (June 20 in 2018)

Soft Tissue Course – July

Intern Boot Camp – July/August

AAO-HNS Annual Meeting* - all PGY5 residents attend – September

Morris Bender Otology Lecture (LIJ) – guest speaker at LIJ - September

Max Som Head and Neck – guest presenter and resident case reports – October

Pediatric Airway Symposium – city wide – October

Vestibular Symposium (LIJ) - November

Department Wide Meeting with site reports and guest speaker – November and May *multiple Einstein residents usually attend

More detail about many aspects of the didactic program:

Our Core Didactic Program takes place on Friday mornings from 700-1130am from the first Friday after Labor Day to the last Friday before June graduation. All residents are expected to participate in both the Friday Core Didactic Program on the Moses campus and other academic programs unique to the campus to which they are assigned.

The Core Didactic Program consists of 5 components:

    1) Junior Seminar for PGY1-3 residents from 7-8 am

    2) Mock Orals Exams for PGY4-5 residents from 7-8 am

    3) Grand Rounds for all residents and faculty from 8-9 am

    4) Resident education series from 9-1030 am

    5) Clinical conferences for all residents from 1030-1130 am

Junior Seminars -

Weekly sessions for the junior residents (PGY 1-3). The attending is generally the same one who leads the RES seminar at 10 am. The junior seminar addresses the same topic on a more introductory level. Residents prepare questions for each other in advance using COCLIA, based on assigned review articles and/or text chapters. Additionally, effective 2018-19, the attending will be asked to prepare 1-2 “junior mock oral(s).” PGY3 on East is responsible for sending reminders (Appendix B) to the faculty moderator.

Mock Orals Exam –

Previously known as senior seminar, is for PGY4-5s. Attending, chosen in advance by the administrative chief resident, are asked to prepare 4 cases in ABO format. Each PGY5 will be spotlighted for solo management for 10 minutes, followed by 5 min review by all residents. The calendar should be filled three months in advance.

Montefiore Einstein Quality Assurance Conference (previously known as Morbidity & Mortality) -

Held every six weeks for 90 minutes, in lieu of and extending 30 minutes past grand rounds usual time slot. Directed by Dr. Mehta, they are presented using SBAR format and designed to promote conversation and quality improvement in a spirit of just culture.

Any house staff (or faculty) interested in further QI education is encouraged to take advantage of free content at https://www.ihi.org/education/ihi-open-school Users should create an account by going to www.ihi.org/enterpasscode. The code for Montefiore Einstein users is 8DC338E3. Once complete, you should receive a confirmation message that you have successfully connected to Montefiore Einstein. Log into your account at www.ihi.org, and then go to www.ihi.org/studentcourses. Click the “Online Learning” lab in the middle where the courses are listed.

Grand Rounds

are lectures, discussions, or panels on topics of special interest organized by Dr. Bent.

Clinical conference –

Rotating subjects for 60 minutes every Friday from 9-10a; topics include radiology, pathology, pediatric otolaryngology, rhinology, laryngology, sleep, leadership, and professionalism.

Resident education series –

Directed by Dr. Moskowitz. Designed to cover all aspects of otolaryngology over a 2-year cycle, our schedule includes 90 minutes of case-based learning each week. This curriculum has undergone many revisions to stay current. At present, it roughly follows the Homestudy Course (replaced with FLEX in 2020), with a curriculum that runs in a 2-year cycle as follows:

Head and Neck

Year 1

Oral Cavity
Oropharynx and Non-Melanotic Skin Cancer
Salivary Gland

Year 2

Parathyroid Disease/Benign Thyroid Disease
Parapharyngeal Space Tumors
Principles of Radiation/Chemotherapy
Neck Masses and Management of Neck


Year 1

Pediatric Neck Masses (congenital cysts and sinuses, malignancies)

Pediatric Hearing Loss (genetic, congenital (also temporal bone anomalies), conductive/SNHL)

T&A/COM (OSA, strep, sleep endoscopy, BMT, otorrhea)

Pediatric Airway I (acute infectious emergencies, congenital and acquired anomalies)

Pediatric Airway II (management of laryngeal stenosis)

Year 2

Craniofacial Issues (congenital malformations, cleft lip and palate, craniofacial trauma)


Dysphagia (aerodigestive foreign bodies, caustic ingestions, FEES, GERD)

Vascular Tumors and Malformations

Pediatric Rhinosinusitis/VPI


Year 1



Complications of Temporal Bone Infections

Meniere’s Disease

Facial Nerve Dysfunction

Year 2

Audiology/Non-Organic Hearing Loss

Otosclerosis/Conductive Hearing Loss

Traumatic Facial Paralysis/Temporal Bone Trauma

Skull Base Tumors and Surgery

Vestibular Dysfunction

Facial Plastics

Year 1

Aesthetic Facial Analysis/Scar Revision

Cosmetic Rhinoplasty

Aging Face – Surgical Interventions

Mandibular Fractures

Facial Flaps & Principles

Year 2

Nasal Valve Collapse/Functional Rhinoplasty

Frontal and Midface Fractures

Facial Rejuvenation

Aging Face – Injectibles/Office Procedures


Year 1

Infectious Sinus Disease (acute and chronic)

Inflammatory Sinus Disease (including systemic diseases that affect the nose and sinuses)

Sinonasal Tumors

Year 2

Epistaxis and Disorders of Smell and Taste

Complications of Sinus Surgery

Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks – Diagnosis and Management


Year 1

Vocal cord lesions

Vocal cord immobility


Year 2

Voice Therapy


Swallowing Therapy, Alaryngeal Speech

Airway Surgery


Year 1

Sleep Medicine I (Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Polysomnography)

Sleep Medicine II (Insomnia & Hypersomnia, Narcolepsy & Parasomnias)

Allergy Testing and Immunotherapy

Difficult Airway/Intubation

Headaches and Facial Pain

Year 2

Sleep Medicine III (Circadian Rhythm Disorders, Sleep Physiology and Neurobiology)

Sleep Medicine IV (Limb Movement Disorders, Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Hygiene)

Ophthalmology for Otolaryngologists

We reference Otosource as a curricular guide: https://www.otosource.org

The combined academic programs provide are meant to supplement self-study. Pre-reading assignments are often given prior to scheduled didactics. We maintain a list of recommended landmark articles (Appendix A). One of the computers in the resident office is loaded with pertinent e-books. For all residents, the challenge is not where to find academic resources but which to use with the finite time available to study.

All PGY1-5 residents participate in the American Academy of Otolaryngology/Head, and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS) Home Study Course (FLEX effective July 2020) and are members of Academy Plus, which includes complimentary access to all AcademyU offerings.

The expectation is that all residents AND interns will successfully complete the home study (FLEX effective July 2020) post-test online prior to the deadline for each of the four annual subspecialty sections. Research has shown that academic success in the first three years of residency correlates with higher American Board of Otolaryngology Certifying Exam pass rates (Laryngoscope 129: 124-28, 2019), emphasizing the importance of active participation by interns in particular.

Each resident is provided with an annual stipend of $500 for academic expenses such as textbooks, surgical glasses, electronic devices, etc. Please note that any unused portion of one’s stipend in an academic year (ending June 30) is forfeited and does not carry over to the following year.

Residents are required to take the Annual Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Inservice Examination (AOHNSE) each year of their training. While an imperfect assessment tool, the inservice provides the most objective measure of learning. As noted regarding the Home Study Course, performance, especially in the first three years of residency, predicts passage rates for the ABO certifying exam.

Other conferences at Moses

Journal Club - Held approximately six times per year, often at attendings' homes or at restaurants, journal articles are pre-selected and include major landmark articles as well as significant current research. Organized by research PGY4.

Pediatric Airway Conference – Monthly, 4th Tuesday morning, 8-9 am. Mandatory for Moses West Peds ORL residents, encouraged for other West residents.

Tumor Board - Held weekly for Moses West residents only

Otology conference - Held weekly, Monday, 9-10 am for Monte Einstein West residents only

Head & Neck conference - Held weekly, Monday, 8-9 am for Monte Einstein West residents only

Intern Boot Camp - Held at the beginning of the year for the incoming intern class, over 4 weeks on Fridays. Boot camp covers general topics with hands-on simulator training, exposing interns to various cases, so they may practice skills and Otorhinolaryngology fundamentals, including basic emergencies (i.e., fiberoptic laryngoscopy, packing for epistaxis, tracheotomies, endoscopic sinus surgery, etc.). The course also centers on teaching interns the various tools and instruments commonly used as well as how to set them up (i.e., for direct laryngoscopy or bronchoscopy). It allows for the new ORL residents to get hands-on experience and close mentoring from faculty on how to approach a manage many of the common scenarios they will face when they start to take primary call and see various emergencies and consults. The course is structured to begin in the middle of July, with protected time for the interns to attend each morning. Link to Boot Camp.

In addition, each site/rotation has site-specific educational sessions, including sleep conferences for Monte Team and weekly didactics held by attendings at LIJ.

LIJ/NH Teaching Conferences and Clinics:

  • Grand Rounds (Mandatory): Formal teaching sessions are held weekly, at which time the resident staff presents current and interesting clinical problems. Attendings discuss the different modalities of management and treatment. Outside speakers present lectures on topics relevant to the residency. Morbidity and Mortality conference is held in conjunction with Grand Rounds. The Chief Resident coordinates resident case presentations and Mortality and Morbidity cases. The resident staff also coordinates clinical pathology and radiological case reviews.
  • Teaching Rounds (mandatory): Daily resident rounds are made with the members of the full-time staff and voluntary attending staff.
  • Head and Neck Conference (Tumor Board): (mandatory) This multi-disciplinary conference is held weekly. All related disciplines involved in patient management are present.
  • Weekly clinical conference _- this conference is a 12-week course that repeats to allow residents to have a similar knowledge base. The lectures include audiology ‘ vestibular tests, speech pathology, Histopathology, neuroradiology¸and basic clinical skills.
  • Basic Science Seminars: In addition to the basic otolaryngology sciences covered by the course at MMC, Audiology and Speech Pathology Clinics: There are weekly clinics in both otology/audiology and speech pathology as part of the Hearing and Speech Center, with patients referred from within the hospital and the community disorders.
  • Pediatric Tumor Board: All pediatric oncology patients that have head and neck tumors or otolaryngology complications secondary to chemotherapy are reviewed and management plans are discussed.
  • Multidisciplinary pediatric airway conference - This meeting combines pediatric otolaryngologists with pediatric pulmonologists and pediatric gastroenterologists to discuss airway management in complicated cases. It meets once a month to review diagnostic testing, treatment, and management of these patients.

Jacobi Teaching Conferences and Clinics:

In addition to the conferences described at MMC, there are conferences and clinics unique to JMC. They are as follows:

  • Ward Rounds: Ward rounds, are held as needed based on clinical volume at JMC and conducted by the faculty of the Division of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery /Head & Neck Surgery, are attended by all residents on the JMC rotation.
  • Combined ENT, Oral Surgery, Plastics, Facial Trauma Conference: This interdisciplinary conference is held on the second Wednesday of the month and is attended by the residents at JMC.
  • Combined ENT, Oral Surgery, Plastics, Facial Trauma Conference: This interdisciplinary conference is held on the second Wednesday of the month and is attended by the residents at JMC.
  • Endocrine Conference: Attended by residents as needed based on clinical volume at JMC and Chief of Service for case presentation and discussion, held with the Department of Endocrinology.
  • Specialty clinics: General/Allergy/Sinus, Pediatric ENT, Head and Neck Oncology, Otology, Facial Plastic, and Reconstructive Surgery. The residents on rotation participate in these clinics, providing follow-through from pre-operative assessment to surgery and follow-up care. In this way, they are well trained in the diagnosis and management of both the usual and the more unusual otolaryngologic diseases and disorders. JMC has more clinics than any other hospital in the consortium.

Temporal bone dissection course

Our department has an 8-station fully equipped temporal bone lab across the hall from our conference room on MAP3. The lab also includes a simulation station in which real patient CT scans can be uploaded to practice computer-simulated temporal bone drilling.

PGY2-4 residents take our annual temporal bone course at MMC on Friday mornings from July-August; a PGY5 resident and a faculty member proctor each of the eight sessions.

Every summer, we offer a mandatory temporal bone course for PGY2-5 residents, run by Dr. Elizabeth Dinces. PGY5s play a mentoring role in the lab. The course takes place on Friday mornings over eight consecutive summer weeks. A different faculty member supervises each week. Our residents are expected to show competency in the temporal bone lab prior to performing temporal bone surgery on patients.

Residents may utilize the lab in their spare time outside the course times to prepare for surgical cases and solidify their knowledge of anatomy and surgical principles. Contact Dr. Dinces for more information.

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