Supporting Healthy Relationships (SHR) Program
Empowering couples to strengthen family bonds

Montefiore-Einstein’s Supporting Healthy Relationships (SHR) is a FREE program designed to empower low-income couples to achieve family success, by improving their communication skills, learning how to reduce destructive conflict, and gaining financial stability. Funded by the Office of Family Assistance (OFA), and led by a team of psychologists and mental health counselors, SHR provides families with a supportive, safe community where they can obtain the skills and resources to develop strong and committed relationships and overcome barriers to achieving financial health.
Our SHR program helps to address major life questions:
- Do you want to strengthen your relationship and become closer as a family?
- Do you and your partner need support navigating the struggles of parenthood?
- Do you need to find a way to achieve financial stability for your family’s future?
This program is supported by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) of the United States (U.S.) Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $7.5M with 100% funded by ACF/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official view of, or an endorsement by, ACF/HHS or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit the ACF website, Administrative and National Policy Requirements. These services are available to all eligible persons, regardless of race, gender, age, disability, or religion.
Zero-Cost Program Eligibility
SHR is free of charge. You may be eligible to participate if:
- You are 18 or older
- You are in a committed relationship
- You are expecting a child (biological, adopted, or fostered) or you have at least one child under 18 living at home (the child can be biologically related, adopted, or fostered)
We are here to help! We want to get to know you and help support you in building a solid foundation for your family.

Our Services
We provide our services in BOTH English and Spanish so families will find a supportive, safe community where they can obtain the skills and resources to develop strong, committed relationships, and overcome barriers to achieving financial health. Services are provided both in-person and virtually via Zoom, determined as required by the research study.
Relationship Workshops
Our workshops provide an opportunity to develop and practice relationship skills through discussion, teaching, and peer-to-peer learning with the help of clinically trained psychologists and mental health counselors.
Our workshops are like a DATE NIGHT! When in-person, we serve a catered meal (dinner is on us!), and it’s a great opportunity for couples to spend quality time together, away from their children, and focus on their relationship. Couples especially enjoy meeting and learning from other couples in the community in a relaxed environment. We assist with childcare reimbursement, and provide round-trip Metrocards to help with transportation.
Workshops are facilitated by 2 relationship coaches, and are delivered once a week for 10 weeks, in a group format to 4-15 couples. Daytime, evening, and weekend workshops available. Our curricula are based on 20+ years of research by relationship and parenting experts, such as psychologists John Gottman and Sue Johnson. Our workshops are delivered either in-person or virtually via Zoom. When in-person, our workshops are usually delivered at our South Bronx headquarters, but we also provide our services at other locations throughout New York.
Date Nights, Booster Sessions, and Supplemental Activities
Our core workshops are supplemented by additional workshops (on topics such as stress management, anger management, budgeting, and infidelity) and social events (such as game nights, karaoke nights, paint nights, and family holiday parties) that we host about once a month. We also provide support groups on a regular basis.

Family Support Services
We work with you to find community resources and services to address any family stressors. We are partnered with many community-based organizations who assist our families in obtaining legal support, health care, food pantries, mental health services, and more.
Employment Services
Our employment team helps your family gain financial stability with the goal to achieve financial mobility. Through individual career counseling, weekly English and Spanish skills-building workshops, job search strategies, resume building, networking, and interviewing, we can help you take the next steps toward finding and maintaining employment. We can also help you obtain the training, certification, or degree that you need to further your career goals. In addition, clients who find new employment, or who receive a promotion, while enrolled in our program, will receive transportation assistance and financial incentives after 30, 60, and 90 days of maintaining their new job.
Couples Ambassador Program
The Couples Ambassador Program (CAP) aims to streamline the process in which graduated SHR couples refer new couples and provide mentorship/support to reinforce engagement in the program. Mentoring is a structured and trusted relationship that matches new couples seeking to improve their relationship with couples who have found success within Supporting Healthy Relationships and are committed to encourage and support the growth of the mentees and their relationships. This is done through mentors' avid participation in workshop mentorship, hosting of support groups, and coordination of family events.
CAP couples are passionate about providing support for new couples, while strengthening their relationship and refreshing their communication skills.
Program Enrollment
Couples must participate in an in-person intake process in order to enroll in the program. We also often host Open Houses where you can learn more about our program and hear testimonials from couples who have graduated from the program. Contact us to find out when we are having our next Open House or find out more information.
After getting in contact with us, the next steps in the intake process may include:
- Phone Screen
You will complete a brief phone screen and then be scheduled for an in-person intake to take place at our South Bronx headquarters or one of our partner sites. - Intake
The intake, which will take 1-2 hours, includes two interviews with a relationship coach and family support specialist and survey completion. Both partners must be present at the intake interviews. - Workshop Enrollment
Provided that you complete the intake process and the program is a good fit for you and your partner, you will be enrolled in one of our upcoming workshop series.
Once enrolled in our program, you have access to our services for ONE YEAR. This includes:
- Family Support Services and Employment Services
- Supplemental Workshops and Social Events
- Booster sessions. All enrolled couples are encouraged to meet with a relationship educator periodically to augment their workshop participation.
- 6-Month Follow-Up. All enrolled couples will be invited back 6 months after their intake date for a booster session and to complete additional surveys, which enables couples to reflect on their progress in the program.
- Incentives and Reimbursements. All enrolled couples receive childcare reimbursement and other financial incentives for completing surveys and program participation milestones, and transportation assistance and financial incentives for job placement.
Read Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
**To receive any of the above additional services, you must attend one of the core relationship/parenting education workshop series.**
Learn More About Our SHR Program
If you are interested in referring an eligible couple, call one of our recruiters and provide the couple’s contact information so we can reach out to them directly.
- 18 or older
- In a committed relationship
- Expecting a child (biological, adopted, or fostered) or have at least one child under 18 living at home (the child can be biologically related, adopted, or fostered)
If you have a question about eligibility or the referral process, please call one of our recruiters at 718-401-5050 or email
Contact Us for More Information
Supporting Healthy Relationships at Montefiore
334 E. 148th St., 2nd Floor
Bronx, NY 10451
For Potential Community Partners
- Does your organization serve low-income families in the Bronx, or in New York City or the tri-state area?
- Could your clients benefit from FREE services focused on strengthening families through relationship education?
- Does your organization provide relationship and/or parenting support, but need assistance with or training in delivering a more structured curriculum?
We have partnered with many organizations in the Bronx, New York City, and elsewhere in the tri-state area to bring our services to more families in need. We have facilitated our workshops wherever there are families who fit our eligibility criteria, as long as the organization can assist with recruitment and provide a space to deliver the intervention. We can also tailor our curriculum and structure our workshop format to fit the unique needs of your clients.
Please contact us via calling 718-401-5050 or e-mailing to find out more about partnering with SHR!
SHR in the News!

Self-Reflection for Healthier Relationships
The dirty dishes in the sink. We’ve all seen couples arguing over this minor issue in sitcoms and in real life. But how does a tiff about dirty plates transform into a big argument, seemingly out of nowhere?
Self-reflection is critical for sorting through these tense moments, leading to improved self-awareness, self-compassion and emotional regulation.
What is Supporting Healthy Relationships (SHR)?
SHR is a FREE, federally funded program that offers couples in a committed relationship a combination of relationship/parenting workshops, financial empowerment, and family support services.
What are some of the topics discussed during the workshops?
SHR’s relationship and parenting curriculum is based on 30+ years of research by relationship experts. Some of the topics discussed during the workshops are healthy communication skills (speaking, listening, initiating difficult topics), parenting skills, sore spots/hidden issues, managing stress and other emotions, and relationship repair.
How long are the relationship workshops?
The relationships/parenting workshops are usually 2.5-hours, once a week in the evenings (6pm-8:30pm), for 12 consecutive weeks. 1st week orientation, 10 weeks of CORE workshops, 12th week graduation. We also offer weekend intensive versions of the workshop over 3 consecutive Saturdays, 9am-5pm.SHR encourages workshops in group settings with other couples as it makes the experience more relatable. Couples are offered least 1 private booster session to discuss issues they may prefer not to speak about in the workshop, and/or practice the skills they have been learning privately.
Who are the facilitators of the workshops? Where do workshops take place?
Workshops are facilitated by 2 relationship educators (licensed mental health counselors and/or psychologists). SHR is now providing its services both virtually AND in-person. Couples are randomly assigned to either a virtual workshop series or an in-person workshop series.
What does the enrollment process look like?
- Speak with a SHR Recruiter to confirm eligibility
- Schedule In-person Clinical and Financial Intakes
- Complete Clinical and Financial Intakes (approximately 1.5 hours)
- Complete Pre-Workshop Surveys (approximately 30-45 minutes)
Are couples permitted to bring their children to In-person workshops?
No. SHR doesn’t provide childcare services. Incentives provided by SHR (up to $450, distributed in electronic gift cards) can be utilized to support payment of independent childcare services.
Does SHR provide meals during workshops?
Yes. SHR provides meals for couples participating in in-person workshops. For workshops taking place on weeknights, dinner will be provided. In the event the workshops take place on a weekend, both breakfast and lunch are served.
Does SHR assist with transportation to and from the workshops?
Yes. SHR provides a round-trip metrocard for each person attending in-person workshops every week for 12 weeks.
Do both partners need to attend the workshop or can just one of use attend?
Both partners are expected to attend all workshops while participating in SHR. If one partner misses a workshop, but the other attends, both partners still need to make up the workshop to receive their full incentives.
Do you provide workshops and services in different languages?
Yes. SHR workshops are facilitated in both English and Spanish. SHR strives to provide at least 1 English, 1 Spanish workshop starting every month.
What if I don’t feel comfortable talking in a group? Can I learn the material individually?
SHR encourages couples to be receptive to participate in our program in a group setting. SHR understands that couples may feel uncomfortable discussing some intimate concerns in the group; therefore, couples are provided with at least one private booster session with a relationship coach while participating in the program. Unfortunately, couples are not able to receive the material individually.