Social and Community Psychiatry
Our department has played a major innovative and leadership role in the evolution of Social and Community Psychiatry as a subspecialty area in our field. Some of the services pioneered or substantially developed within this department include:
- Day hospital
- Community mental health centers, most notably MBHC where we are able to engage in unique implementation of treatment aimed at providing services for the greatest number of people.
- Storefronts
- Mental health advocacy
- Community residences
- Sheltered work
- School consultation
- Prison mental health programs
- Family-based community clinics
- Working with homeless population across the lifecycle
This tradition continues in an exciting range of areas emphasizing the comprehensive care of defined populations at risk. Starting with an epidemiologic base, residents learn preventive efforts with community and family groups and review service delivery systems. Supervision covers evaluation, research, fiscal concerns and cultural dimensions. Residents examine the context in which people live and service is delivered. Resources used include:
- Intensive case management teams, which offer comprehensive care of chronic patients and innovation strategies of psychiatric rehabilitation;
- Forensic psychiatry, affording experience in service delivery issues, suicide prevention, careful neuropsychiatric diagnosis and substance abuse issues;
- School-based services for adolescents with psychiatric difficulties, including consultation to staff, supervised clinical groups and program development.
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- Center for the Aging Brain
- Ambulatory Practice
- Home Visiting Program
- Services and Treatments
- Resources
Meet the Geriatrics Physicians
- Psychiatry Residency
- Psychology Postdoctoral Residency Program
- Psychology Internship Training Program
- Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship
- Autism & OCD Fellowship
- Community Health & Wellness
- Community Relations
- Community Services and Resources
- How You Can Help
- Community Reports
- Psychiatry Research Institute
- University Behavioral Associates
- Montefiore-Einstein Psychiatry Associates
- Comprehensive Brain Health Center
- Careers