Montefiore Medical Center

Nurses Storytelling Workshops

Division of Nursing, Healing Arts Program and Human Resources,
Montefiore Medical Center

Storytelling is one of the most ancient forms of sharing knowledge and experiences.  Across cultures and time periods, people have crafted and told stories to come together, offer new perspectives, and entertain their listeners with words that engage and enlighten.

Montefiore is pleased to partner with The Moth, a renowned storytelling organization in New York City, to offer storytelling creation workshops for Montefiore nurses in celebration of National Nurses Week. 

Nurses Storytelling Performance Events

As part of Montefiore’s Nurses Week 2013 celebration, participating nurses performed the stories they created with The Moth at special performance events at our Moses, Wakefield and Einstein campuses. These events were a highlight of the 2013 Nurses Week at Montefiore theme of “Telling Our Stories of Care.” 


Contact Information

Tracey McGlinchey, RN
Human Resources Nursing Business Partner

Ronit Fallek, MPA
Director, Montefiore Healing Arts Program