Why Our Program is Different
In 1995 the RPSM became the first institution awarded the National Primary Care Achievement Award in Education from the Pew Charitable Trusts. There are many aspects that make our program a reward and different learning experience, including:

- Unique multidisciplinary training
- An opportunity for credits toward a Master's Degree in Public Health
- Longitudinal and integrated Behavioral Science curriculum
- 3-month structured curriculum in social medicine:
- PGY1-Orientation to Social Medicine
- PGY2-Epidemiology and Community Medicine
- PGY3-Health Systems
- Bi-weekly Social Medicine rounds
- Longitudinal Social Medicine projects
- Electives in global health, liberation medicine/ health and human rights, reproductive health
Of the over 600 physicians trained in the RSPM since 1970, the majority still work in underserved communities.
It's a calling.