Research & Publications
COVID-19 Rehabilitation
Patient and Caregiver Guide to managing COVID-19 recovery at home
This manual was created to address the gap in services which resulted from the COVID 19 pandemic’s severely restricting access to traditional rehabilitation services. The first iteration was first published in the Journal of International Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine . and is widely distributed through rehabilitation organizations nationally and abroad. The latest version, updated with additional evidenced based exercises, is available here, with translations to additional languages to come.
Home Based COVID-19 Rehabilitation Program: A pilot clinical trial
A randomized single blind trial to compare the feasibility and outcomes when home exercise programs are administered using an online therapy app to traditional exercise manuals. This study is funded through a CTSA grant from National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
PI: Joe Verghese, Anne Ambrose
Telemedicine during COVID and beyond, a practical guide and best practices multidisciplinary approach for the musculoskeletal physical exam
S. Wahezi, S. Yerra. Pain Physician Journal (accepted ) Wahezi SE, Mohamed SE, Lederman A, Beck AP.J Pain Res. 2019 Mar 20;12:1033-1039. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S181038. eCollection 2019.PMID: 30936741
Assessing the Efficacy of Virtual Reality Analgesia (VRA) in Pediatric Patients for Pain Control During Botulinum Toxin Injections (BTI) for Spasticity Management:
A randomized clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of virtual reality analgesia (VRA) for pediatric patients undergoing Botulinum toxin injections (BTI) for spasticity management. Virtual reality (VR) is a digital simulation of a three dimensional environment in which the user is capable of interacting with the generated world via computerized equipment such as gloves or a virtual reality head-mounted display (VRHMD). We propose a study comparing various VRHMD to provide VRA during pediatric BTI. It is our hypothesis that by using VRA, we will see a significant decrease in the overall pain and discomfort of our patients receiving BTI.
PI: Yuxi Chen, MD
AposTherapy Studies
APOS Registry
APOS Registry
Assessing the adherence and clinical benefits of AposTherapy in patients with knee and back complaints, in order to evaluate it as a conservative treatment that may supplement traditional pain medications and physical therapy in an at- risk urban inner city population.
Contact: Matthew Bartels, MD
The effect of AposTherapy® on pain and function in Knee Osteoarthritis population
AposTherapy is a home based exercise program utilizing personally calibrated biomechanical footwear that alters the ground reactive force and induces exercise with normal activity that may significantly improve function in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Since patients with knee osteoarthritis have altered mechanics of motion contributing to or due to the presence of their condition. Capitalizing on the reported excellent adherence and clinical benefit of AposTherapy in patients with significant knee OA, we propose to evaluate this as a conservative treatment that may supplant/supplement traditional pain medications and physical therapy in an at-risk urban inner city population.
The effect of AposTherapy® on pain and function in an Axial Low Back Pain population (accordian)
AposTherapy is a home based exercise program utilizing personally calibrated biomechanical footwear that alters the ground reactive force and induces exercise with normal activity that may significantly improve function in patients with axial low back pain. Since patients with axial low back pain have altered mechanics of motion contributing to or due to the presence of their condition. Capitalizing on the reported excellent adherence and clinical benefit of AposTherapy in patients with significant axial low back pain, we propose to evaluate this as a conservative treatment that may supplant/supplement traditional pain medications and physical therapy in an at-risk urban inner city population.
The Effect of Footwear Generated Biomechanical Manipulation on Symptoms of Stress Urinary Incontinence
Footwear generated biomechanical manipulation (FGBMM) can be applied to create a home based dynamic lumbopelvic stabilization exercise program. The aim of this study is to investigate whether the use of FGBMM in addition to traditional pelvic floor therapy can prove beneficial for incontinence severity and quality of life for patients suffering from urinary incontinence.
PI: Anna Lasak, MD
3D Printing Lab
The 3D Printing Lab is involved in the design and production of custom rehabilitation tools and prosthetics for Montefiore Medical Center patients. Current areas of interest involve developing interfaces between 3D scanning, developing new techniques and methods of production to expand and improve the tools we provide our patients, and introducing 3D printing technology to our community. The lab has also partnered with local colleges and academic institutions to meet PPE needs during the COVID crisis.
Contact: Stephanie Rand, DO
Musculoskeletal and Pain Medicine Studies
A multi-centered study to compare patient outcomes following treatment with either the MILD procedure or epidural steroid injections (ESIs) in patients with painful lumbar spinal stenosis exhibiting neurogenic claudication and having verified ligamentum flavum hypertrophy as a contributing factor.
Contact: Sayed E. Wahezi, MD