As the largest academic health system in the Bronx, Montefiore Einstein’s residency program welcomes 17 residents per year from across the country and around the world. Each of our residency classes is unique, and provides residents with the opportunity to care for our patients.
Our patients come from around the world and frequently present with complex co-morbidities and in late stages of disease. This, coupled with our location in the Bronx and Montefiore Einstein's leading-edge medicine, provide residents with an unparalleled clinical experience. Our faculty with extensive training in all areas and subspecialties of anesthesiology are excellent teachers and role models, and are eager to involve residents in their wide-ranging research projects.
See why so many applicants choose Montefiore Einstein Take the Anesthesiology Residency Program Virtual TourFor general information on our Residency Program, please call 718-920-4383 |
Residency Application Information:
This year, the Montefiore Einstein Department of Anesthesiology is using CentralApp (CentralApp) in addition to ERAS for their Residency Program application review process. The platform is being used to reduce financial barriers from application fee structures in future years. CentralApp promotes holistic application review by focusing on quality application content rather than quantity. There is no cost for applicants to use CentralApp. (Learn more.)
In addition to submitting an ERAS application, we kindly request that all applicants apply to our program via CentralApp. Upon accessing CentralApp, applicants will be instructed to create a secure account that will be verified by their medical school dean's office, who will submit transcripts and Medical Student Performance Evaluations directly through the portal. Letters of recommendation should be requested through CentralApp to have a complete application for the Residency Program to review. The Match will remain with the National Residency Matching Program (NRMP). Please direct any questions about applications to HELP@accessgme.com.
Residency Locations
Across four major clinical locations, residents provide patient care in 60 operating rooms spanning all surgical specialties.
Moses Campus
At Montefiore Einstein’s Moses Campus, our residents provide anesthetic care for patients undergoing complex general surgeries, cardiothoracic, neurological and bariatric surgeries, and organ transplantation. Residents are also exposed to a very busy post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), neuroradiology, MRI, interventional cardiology and endoscopy suites.

The Moses Campus is also home to a dedicated children’s hospital – The Children's Hospital at Montefiore Einstein (CHAM) – that affords residents the opportunity to become involved in the care of pediatric patients of all ages. Residents also learn to take care of high-acuity patients in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit.

Weiler Campus
At the Weiler Campus, residents work in a high-risk labor and delivery suite, where they are trained to provide care for a wide range of patients, from normal labor to patients with morbidly adherent placentas and other high-risk comorbidities.
Wakefield Campus
At Wakefield Campus, residents care for patients who undergo joint replacement and other major orthopedic procedures.

Metro Hutch Campus
At our Metro Hutch Campus, residents have the opportunity to train and care for patients in our multidisciplinary pain clinic. Residents at the Hutch Campus are also trained to handle the fast pace and quick turnaround times of a busy private practice set-up.
Residents learn regional anesthesia techniques both at the Wakefield and Hutch Campuses.
In addition to clinical experience, Montefiore Einstein residents engage in clinical trials and project-based research, with the help of a dedicated research coordinator to advise on study protocols and Institutional Review Board (IRB) guidelines for human subject research. In addition to research projects, residents can pursue other academic endeavors, including book chapters, review articles, ASA committee memberships, and giving lectures.
We prepare graduates to handle any clinical situation and care for a wide spectrum of patients, from the healthy to the critically ill. Our residents go on to successfully complete fellowships, work in major academic institutions and join private practices and remain highly successful in the field of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Management. The clinical curriculum at Montefiore Einstein follows all ACGME requirements with regard to education, work hours and work environment.

Contact Information
Sujatha Ramachandran, MD
Vice Chair of Education
Professor, Department of Anesthesiology
Contact Information
Erik Romanelli, MD
Residency Program Director
Assistant Professor, Anesthesiology
Residency Rotations
Cardiothoracic Anesthesia
Residents rotating in cardiothoracic anesthesiology at Montefiore Einstein train at a leading academic medical center nationally renowned for its pioneering approach to comprehensive cardiac and vascular care.
Critical Care
Critical care medicine is a diverse, fast-paced and quickly evolving field. Residents who train in critical care anesthesia at Montefiore Einstein have a unique opportunity to work in a stimulating environment and learn an approach to critical care that currently serves as a national model of excellence.
With an annual caseload of more than 1,600 surgical interventions, residents have the opportunity to create anesthetic plans and management in an informed, evidence-based fashion. The program prepares residents for all the Neuroanesthesia themes they may encounter in clinical settings or on the America Board of Anesthesiology examinations.
Obstetric Anesthesia
At Montefiore Einstein, residents pursuing training in obstetric anesthesia are mentored by attending anesthesiologists with expertise and interest in the field. They have an opportunity to hone their skills in a multidisciplinary environment that fosters collaboration, innovation and clinical excellence.
Pain Medicine and Regional Anesthesia
During the pain medicine and regional anesthesia rotations, residents work closely with faculty in the Department of Anesthesiology at Montefiore Einstein who are fellowship-trained in pain medicine, providing comprehensive services to help patients with acute or chronic pain..
Read more about pain medicine and regional anesthesia rotations
Pediatric Anesthesia
At the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Einstein, we handle more than 5,000 surgical cases each year across all subspecialties. During their training, the Pediatric Anesthesia Fellows administer anesthesia for general surgery as well as neurological surgery, thoracic, cardiac, orthopedic, urologic and craniofacial surgery in pediatric patients ranging in age from premature neonates to adolescents in the operating rooms as well as offsite locations. Fellows will rotate through our Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for one month and will receive one month of elective time as well as one month of research time.
Research Rotations
Our department offers a dynamic and supportive research program for residents interested in becoming clinician-scientists, with extensive opportunities to build a research career. Our program has a unique emphasis on digital health research, epidemiology, and social determinants of health. For residents aspiring to become clinician-scientists and who demonstrate a strong track record in conducting research, we offer dedicated non-clinical research time and personalized mentorship. We are currently offering four research tracks based on the resident’s level of experience.
Transplant Anesthesia
The Transplant Anesthesia Program at Montefiore Einstein provides residents with a unique opportunity for exposure to different types of cases involving pediatric and adult kidney and liver transplants, combined liver-kidney, and pancreas-kidney transplants. Montefiore Einstein offers well-established living kidney transplant and liver transplant programs.
As a part of the transplant anesthesia training, residents will learn in-depth anesthetic techniques for hepatobiliary surgery. During their rotation, the residents will also be involved in perioperative care and pain management of transplant patients. In addition, the transplant anesthesia team will work closely with the residents on developing research skills and scientific projects.
Airway Fellowship
The collaborative Advanced Airway/Otorhinolaryngology Fellowship is the only one of its kind on the East Coast and is designed to train fellows to be experts in complex airway management with a command of subspecialty services and their implications in difficult airway management. Fellows learn leading-edge techniques in airway management and care for patients undergoing a wide variety of procedures including bariatric surgery, ORL, invasive pulmonology and oromaxillofacial procedures.
Cardio-thoracic Anesthesia Fellowship
The ACGME-accredited Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesia Fellowship trains physicians to provide anesthetic management for a wide range of cardiothoracic surgical procedures, from structural heart and robotic-assisted procedures to complex LVAD implantations and heart and lung transplants. Fellows also gain experience with TTE and TEE for patients undergoing transcatheter aortic and mitral valve replacements, mitral clip, and Watchman procedures. ACTA Fellows also each participate in an IRB-approved research study and submit an abstract to the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting.
Critical Care Anesthesiology Fellowship
The Anesthesiology Critical Care Medicine Fellowship was designed by our Critical Care Anesthesiology faculty with a specific focus on training the next generation of Critical Care physicians to provide exemplary, evidence-based and integrated care to our sickest patients. The ACCM Fellowship will be a well-rounded year of varied clinical training at both Montefiore Einstein and nearby Jacobi Hospital.
Obstetric Anesthesia Fellowship
The ACGME-accredited Obstetric Anesthesia Fellowship Program provides comprehensive training to develop fellows into sub-specialty consultants, patient safety advocates, and scholars that adhere to the highest standards of professionalism. Fellows are key members of the obstetric anesthesia consult service, where we see many high-risk parturients and create safe anesthetic plans. Fellows work closely with all members of the labor floor care team and will spend additional rotations in maternal fetal medicine, neonatology, research, and the intensive care unit.
Neuroanesthesia Fellowship
The Neuroanesthesia Fellowship Program provides extensive experience for fellows to work on neurosurgical and neuro-interventional cases that include pediatric and adult vascular, tumor, spinal cord and spine, chronic pain, stroke and epilepsy interventions as well as craniofacial remodeling. Fellows participate in interdisciplinary conferences with Neurosurgery, Neuroradiology, and Stroke and Epilepsy Neurology, and have the opportunity to pursue an elective month in Neurocritical Care or Neuroradiology.
Pediatric Anesthesia Fellowship
The ACGME-accredited Pediatric Anesthesia Fellowship provides comprehensive, collaborative training at the Children’s Hospital at Montefiore Einstein (CHAM) that allows our fellows to learn the skills necessary to provide the highest quality of care for our pediatric patients. The Department of Anesthesiology handles more than 4,000 surgical cases performed on infants, children and adolescents annually, covering a broad range of general pediatric surgery as well as subspecialties in interventional cardiology, thoracic surgery, plastics and reconstructive surgery, ENT, orthopedics, urology, and neurosurgery. Fellows will rotate through our Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for one month and will also receive one month of elective time and one month of research time.
Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine Fellowship
The Department of Anesthesiology offers 6 Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine fellowship positions each year – 3 ACGME accredited fellowship positions and 3 combined attending/fellowship positions. Fellows rotate at Montefiore Einstein’s Wakefield and Hutch campuses and provide care for patients undergoing a wide range of procedures, including orthopedic, vascular, plastic surgery, and ambulatory procedures. Fellows learn to provide regional anesthesia for both intraoperative anesthesia and for post-operative pain management. The fellowship emphasizes the perioperative management of patients receiving neuraxial or peripheral neural blockade for anesthesia or analgesia. Fellows will become experts in the practice and theory of regional anesthesiology and acute pain medicine.
Read more about the Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Medicine Fellowship
Faculty Fellowship
Anesthesia Leadership and Executive Operations Fellowship (ALEOF)
This one-year fellowship is offered to two faculty members. The goal of the program is professional development through project planning with leaders in the Montefiore Einstein Health System and Department of Anesthesiology.
The fellows are enrolled in the curriculum covering topics ranging from Effective Project Planning, Coaching and Mentoring, Collaborative Negotiations, and Community and Challenging Connections.
The two strategic pillars of the ALEOF project will be focused on Clinical duties and Administration. Stakeholders and a project mentor will be identified and assigned to the ALEOF fellow. The fellows will meet with the Chair of the Department of Anesthesiology, Dr. Matthias Eikermann, and ALEOF Program Director, Dr. Curtis Choice, on a biweekly basis to ensure consistent focus on project planning, implementation, and assessment. The program accepts applications throughout the year with the new ALEOF fellows announced in August.
See why so many applicants choose Montefiore Einstein. Take the Anesthesiology Fellowship Program Virtual Tour
Benefits and Salary Information
Salary and Benefits
Paid Vacation
4 Weeks per year
At the Einstein Campus, residents are given free parking in the physician parking lot. At the Moses Campus, residents may park in the hospital parking garage for $60 per month, $30 of which is reimbursed at the end of the academic year.
Memberships and Book Allowances
All anesthesiology text books are available on line through the medical library. Residents are also provided with membership to both the New York State Society of Anesthesiology and the American Society of Anesthesiology. Residents also receive a book allowance of $500 per year. Residents are also reimbursed for travelling to conferences if they are presenting.
CA-2 residents in good standing that have completed their Obstetric Anesthesiology rotation are permitted to moonlight at the Wakefield Division on the Labor and Delivery floor.