About the Montefiore Einstein Cardiology Training Program
The curricular experience at Montefiore Einstein is organized by areas of intellectual discipline, leading to a broad competency in the field of cardiology and to certifiable competency in specific skill sets of clinical cardiology. Each monthly rotation has its own intellectual academic goals and framework, and integrates the ACGME competencies.

Program Structure
The training program consists of four-week block rotations integrated into the activities at clinical sites. Additionally, four weeks (two half-blocks) each year are allotted for vacation. The following outlines what fellows can expect from the Montefiore Einstein Cardiology Training Program.
First Year of Fellowship:
- Five months of clinical service (CCU, consultative cardiology, heart failure, electrophysiology)
- Two months echocardiography
- Two months cardiac catheterization lab
- Two months nuclear cardiology
- One month vacation
- One month research
Second Year of Fellowship:
- Three months of clinical service (CCU, electrophysiology, heart failure)
- One month adult congenital heart disease
- Two months nuclear cardiology/advanced cardiac imaging
- Two months cardiac catheterization lab
- Two months echocardiography
- One month vacation
- One month research
Third Year of Fellowship:
- Two months of clinical service (CCU, consultative cardiology)
- Unstructured time for focused career preparation
Outpatient Experience
Throughout the training program, there is a half-day-per-week continuity outpatient clinic. Subspecialty outpatient clinic experiences available include heart failure, electrophysiology, prevention/wellness, advanced lipids, cardio-oncology, and cardio-obstetrics.

All fellows are expected to both participate in research as well as publish and present at major meetings. Stipends are available to support this research. Trainees participate in and initiate research supported by the Division Chief and the Program Director. Pathways include Focused Mentored Clinical Research, a Clinical Research Training Program leading to a Master of Science degree in clinical research methods, a Clinical Trials Unit (clinical pharmacology), and Myocardial and Vascular Cell and Molecular Biology Research (MVCMB) via the Wilf Family Cardiovascular Research Institute.
Call Schedule
The in-house on-call experience is an important and meaningful component of both cardiology training and growth as a clinical cardiologist. One fellow is on call at each campus (Moses and Weiler) each night. All calls have a senior fellow back-up and all service and subspecialty attendings are available.
- First year fellows: approximately 4-5 calls per month
- Second year fellows: approximately 2-3 calls per month
- Third year fellows: No calls.
In addition to education on rotations, each morning between 7:30-8:30 am and many afternoons per week, there is a fellow-oriented conference addressing a core curricular lecture, grand rounds, case management conference, or specific skill development (such as ECG conference, echo conference, cath conference, and imaging conference). Additionally, several times per week MonteHeart conferences are held, lectured by national and international experts. These lectures cover interventional/structural heart disease, general cardiology, and cardiac imaging.
Please visit this link for examples of lectures: https://www.youtube.com/c/MonteHeartLectures
For general questions regarding the cardiology fellowship, please contact Jacquelyn Smith: jacsmith@montefiore.org.