Center for Pharmacotherapy Research and Quality

The Center for Pharmacotherapy Research and Quality (CPRQ) aims to be the primary resource for Montefiore clinicians to engage in outcomes research and quality improvement initiatives involving medication use. The center is committed to supporting patient-centered medication use research and quality improvement initiatives that prioritize real-world clinical outcomes and patient experience. The center consists of clinical pharmacy faculty with backgrounds in research and quality improvement methodology and is governed by an inter-disciplinary steering committee.


CPRQ aims to advance evidence-based use of pharmacotherapy and to support medication-related outcomes research and quality improvement initiatives at Montefiore.

Guiding Principles

cprq-org.pngThe CPRQ seeks to achieve this mission though the following guiding principles:

  • Develop a data-driven culture around pharmacotherapy utilization and formulary management decisions
  • Generate actionable findings that are used to drive health system decisions and processes
  • Provide accountability and transparency over the medication use processes and related patient outcomes
  • Foster inter-departmental and inter-institutional collaboration by breaking down silos in medication use research and quality improvement initiatives
  • Provide education and training in data-driven medication use, research methodology, and quality improvement science to Montefiore clinicians
  • Disseminate the knowledge of medication use outcomes and best practices to all relevant stakeholders of the Montefiore Health System and the wider community of clinical practitioners

Research Priorities

Pharmacist Impact on Patient Outcomes

We are currently conducting multiple projects evaluating the outcomes of pharmacist-led medication management clinics for patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart failure in patient-centered medical homes that serve the communities of the Bronx. Additionally, we are testing different methodologies of assessing the value of inpatient unit-based pharmacists in optimizing effective medication management, improving care efficiency, and avoiding adverse events.

Data-Driven Medication Formulary Management

We are developing methodologies to better assess the value of medications with unclear therapeutic roles. We plan on using these methods to help the Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) committee make evidence-driven decisions on adding similar medications to the formulary and confirming the benefit of these medications after formulary addition. Our long-term goal is to expand these evidence-based processes to the Montefiore healthsystem-wide P&T committee.

Optimizing Medication Management in Chronic Disease States

Our interests include comparing different second-line pharmacological therapies of diabetes mellitus on cardiovascular and renal outcomes, assessing strategies to optimize COPD therapy throughout the entire continuum of care, and finding effective measures to improve care of heart failure patients that reduce the need for unnecessary hospital visits.

Medication Stewardship to Minimize Adverse Effects

We are conducting multiple projects assessing opioid-sparing effects of multimodal perioperative pain management protocols, developing dashboards to track system-wide opioid prescribing, and correlating opioid exposure with patient-centered adverse outcomes. Additionally, we are evaluating strategies to reduce patient risk of Clostirioides difficile infection through initiatives such as antimicrobial stewardship and protocols to reduce inpatient use of acid suppressive therapy.

Research Highlights and Publications


Pavel Goriacko, PharmD, MPH, BCPS
Chair, CPRQ Steering Committee
Montefiore Department of Pharmacy 

Mark J. Sinnett, PharmD, FASHP
Director, Clinical and Educational Pharmacy Services
Montefiore Department of Pharmacy