Stem Cell & Cancer Biology Research Program Members
Members of the SCCB include nationally recognized basic and translational investigators. Their groundbreaking work provides vital insights into the biological processes that lead to the development and progression of blood cancers and other malignancies. Working in a highly collaborative fashion with other Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center investigators as well as the Bronx community and other NCI-designated Cancer Centers, members are developing novel targets for drug development and translating leading-edge scientific discoveries into improved clinical outcomes and life-saving treatments.
SCCB Program Leaders
Get to know the experts who direct the SCCB Program. These dedicated leaders help steer our investigators’ efforts to develop new cellular-based strategies and discoveries for preventing cancer.
Kira Gritsman, MD, PhD
Britta Will, Ph.D.
SCCB Program Members
Our multidisciplinary and highly collaborative group includes cancer biologists, stem cell scientists, and other bench and clinical investigators from myriad specialties. Their expertise and input help translate new scientific discoveries into actionable knowledge that can help improve the care of people with cancer in our Bronx catchment area and beyond.