Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residency
It is an exciting, expanding field that offers challenges in improving the function and esthetics of patients in need. It combines the discipline of dentistry, medicine, surgery, radiology, and anesthesiology. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery deals with people who suffer accidental injuries, infections, cysts and tumors, developmental deformities, as well as dysfunctional and degenerative disorders. It is concerned with the relief of pain and the reconstruction and restoration of important functions involving breathing, chewing, swallowing and speech. Our work enhances a patient's self image.
For the men and women who aspire to become Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, the selection is competitive, the training period is intense and demanding, but the rewards are great as is the gratification of providing effective care to our fellow man.
Montefiore/Einstein is an ideal place to prepare for your career as an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon. Against a background of almost 35 years of experience, our program has grown to become one of the largest, most comprehensive and diverse in the country. The combination of five teaching hospitals, with both private and municipal clients, and the availability of 9 full-time Oral Surgeons and numerous voluntary attendings, serve to enrich the learning experience. A very large number of former trainees have become Board Certified in their specialty and achieved success in private practice, clinical research, and academic pursuits.
Residents in this highly intensive program gain experience in all facets of oral surgery including orthognathic surgery, reconstructive surgery, trauma, pathology, joint surgery, preprosthetic surgery, dental alveolar surgery, and implantology.
In addition to rotations to other services as listed below, residents are required to participate in numerous conferences. Special monthly conferences are held by the Craniofacial Center, as well as a monthly Maxillofacial Trauma session. Weekly orthognathic conferences, oral pathology sessions and pre and postoperative case presentations are conducted. Four visiting Professors each year supplement the didactic portion of the program.
Operating room cases are scheduled on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday depending on the specific hospital. Cases are both service and private. Residents significantly involved in all surgeries.
The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Residents are on call approximately every third night and every third weekend backing up the General Residents who take first call.
Salary, Housing, and Tuition
All incoming Residents are categorized as PGY1, regardless of previous training. First year Residents will receive an approximate salary of $48,750 (Academic Year 2007/2008) plus fringe benefits. Hospital housing is generally available for residents. Tuition is $5,000 per year for each of the 4 residency years.