Montefiore Medical Center - Mission, Vision and Values
Montefiore Medical Center’s mission, vision and values serve as our guide for pursuing clinical excellence—breaking new ground in research, training the next generation of healthcare leaders, and delivering science-driven, patient-centered care.
To heal, to teach, to discover and to advance the health of the communities we serve.
Montefiore builds upon our rich history of medical innovation and community service to improve the lives of those in our care. Our mission is exemplified in our exceptional, compassionate care and dedication to improve the well-being of those we serve.
To be a premier academic medical center that transforms health and enriches lives.
Through our enduring partnership with Albert Einstein College of Medicine, we combine clinical care with research to deliver the most current treatments available to our patients. Together, with state-of-the-art treatment and facilities and the highest ethical standards, we are challenging the limits of medicine.
Our values define our philosophy of care.
They shape our actions and motivate and inspire us to pursue excellence and achieve the goals we have set forth for the future. Our values include:
Humanity: Our physicians, nurses and other clinical and support staff serve with extraordinary care and compassion. These attributes are rooted in a rich history that began more than 125 years ago when Montefiore was established to care for patients with debilitating and chronic illnesses. We see our patients as people first, with a set of values, beliefs and experiences that shape their needs and our care.
Innovation: Our innovative delivery system, research endeavors and use of technology to improve how care is provided are fundamental to our success. Together, Montefiore and Einstein advance clinical and translational research to facilitate the transformation of new discoveries into treatments and therapies that benefit our patients. We are never satisfied with the status quo and are always challenging ourselves to elevate to a new level of patient care.