About Vascular Disorders

Vascular disorders in children include abnormal connections between the arteries and veins (arteriovenous malformations); abnormal outpouching of a major vein of the brain (vein of Galen aneurysms); abnormal outpouching of arteries of the brain (aneurysms); abnormal collections of small vessels within the brain (cavernous malformations); and abnormal formations of small vessels that develop to bypass points of obstruction of brain arteries (Moyamoya disease or syndrome). These abnormalities can bleed or clot, causing strokes, or they can alter the function of the surrounding brain tissue, causing seizures. The neurovascular team at CHAM has long and extensive experience in diagnosing and treating these conditions in children, in most cases before they cause major injury to the brain.

Our Unique Approach

Our team is led by world-class experts in the management of vascular disorders in children and adults. Using a collaborative approach, our team starts by evaluating its patients with advanced MRI, CAT scan angiography and state-of-the-art bi-planar angiography. These technologies allow them to define and understand the anatomy of a vascular abnormality with the highest resolution and detail. When possible, our team uses the most advanced technologies to manage blood vessel disorders from within the blood vessels (endovascular) with non-surgical, minimally invasive treatments. Our surgeons have years of experience operating on the vascular abnormalities found in children.

Novel Therapeutic Strategies

The hematologists in our group are following the largest number of children with sickle-cell anemia in the nation as well as a frequent complication seen in children with this condition, called Moyamoya syndrome. Temporary, inadequate blood flow (ischemia) to parts of the brain is a frequent complication of this syndrome, and our group has extensive experience with surgical techniques for augmenting blood flow to the brain. With our world-class radiology team, we are able to treat a number of vascular disorders using wires and catheters through a single puncture site at the hip. Tracing these catheters directly to the problem areas in the brain allows us to deliver treatments that block abnormal vessels or redirect the blood flow to eliminate the risk of bleeding. Montefiore Einstein is a national leader in the treatment of these disorders and is still leading the way in novel therapeutic strategies.