Visions of a Healthy Community Murals

"Visions of a Healthy Community" Murals Montefiore Healing Arts Program

"Visions of a Healthy Community" is a collaborative community health education and art project, led by the Montefiore Healing Arts Program, which addresses the themes of individual and community health in the Bronx, through the eyes of local youth.

Community Health Mural Project

In the Spring 2012, five groups of high school-aged youth from partnering afterschool programs and schools explored the health issues in their communities and their visions of what their communities would look like as places of health.  The youth were guided to develop the themes they wished to communicate and conceptualized and designed murals, led by artists from Groundswell.

Following a celebration event where all five murals were exhibited together, the murals were installed in the waiting areas of five of Montefiore's health centers, enhancing the space for thousands of patients each year and serving as points of interest and pride for community members.

Visit the Murals

We are proud of the murals created by the youth in our communities and invite you to visit Montefiore's health centers to view them installed.

  • Center for Child Health and Resiliency, 890 Prospect Avenue, Bronx, NY 10459
    Youth artists from THE POINT Community Development Corporation
  • Comprehensive Health Care Center, 305 East 161st Street, Bronx, NY 10451
    Youth artists from the Morrisania Revitalization Corporation
  • Family Health Center, 360 East 193rd Street, Bronx, NY 10458
    Youth artists from the Mosholu Montefiore Community Center at P.S. 8
  • West Farms Family Practice, 1055 East Tremont Avenue, Bronx, NY 10460
    Youth artists from Lehman High School
  • Williamsbridge Family Practice Center, 3448 Boston Road, Bronx, NY 10469
    Youth artists from the Unity Neighborhood Center at Haffen Park

Project Partners

Thank you to all our project partners!

Montefiore Partners: Office of Community Health and Wellness, Montefiore Medical Group, Center for Child Health and Resiliency, School Health Program

Afterschool Program Partners: Lehman High School, Morrisania Revitalization Corporation, Mosholu Montefiore Community Center at P.S.8, THE POINT CDC, Unity Neighborhood Center

Artistic Partners: Groundswell, Reel Works Teen Filmmaking

Contact Information

Ronit Fallek, MPA
Director, Montefiore Healing Arts Program