Women's Initiative Network Advocacy Work

Women’s Initiative Network Advocacy Work

Women are an important part of the scientific and patient care task force in the cancer field. However, leadership positions are still out of reach for a vast majority of them. The restrictions and limitations women face to achieve equal representation at the leadership level (chief of division, chair and other high-level department positions, center director or dean) are real and long-lasting. We are working hard at advocacy and raising awareness, and we are building resources by collecting important information that will help us gain a more in-depth understanding of women’s career trajectories at Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Data Collection Program

With new information and data analysis, we can build greater awareness of current inequities and track progress over time. 

The aims of the Data Collection Program are:

  • Track the number of female scientists and clinicians in the last 10 years at Montefiore Einstein at different career stages (from trainees/fellows up to Professors).
  • Track exit patterns of female scientists and clinicians. Develop a survey to be sent to Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center female scientists, physicians scientists, and clinicians to identify their reasons for leaving.

Policy Implementation

In collaboration with the DEI Office, we plan to survey the Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center community to identify and quantify gender disparity issues. Among other data points, we hope to identify the limitations to career advancement that women face in the cancer field and to propose and implement measures to eliminate gender-based salary disparities.

We are also working in collaboration with other institutional offices and the leadership on policy implementation that will:

  • Ensure a minimum proportional representation of female scientists/physicians in screening and recruitment committees.
  • Promote a gradual increase in women’s representation in leadership positions (department chairs, chiefs of divisions, etc).
Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center Women's Initiative Network Advocacy Work

Promote Women in the Field of Cancer Research and Care

The Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center Women’s Initiative Network is working with Einstein Women’s Division and the Office of Development, led by Dr. Suzanne Murphy, to raise philanthropic support to finance a number of awards to recognize the contributions of female cancer researchers and clinicians at Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Community Awareness Program

We plan to distribute monthly messages to the Montefiore Einstein community that will:

  • Promote the achievements of Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center’s female cancer researchers and clinicians.
  • Raise awareness about the limitations women face to advance their careers in cancer research and care.
  • Highlight–for the purposes of eradicating–behavioral patterns influenced by the tendency to make automatic and unintentional assumptions, also known as "unconscious bias," that unintentionally diminish women and their achievements.