Bioethics Consultation Service

Bioethics Consultation Service

Healthcare decisions depend not only on medical information but also on the patients values and other preferences. These difficult decisions stir up strong emotions, especially when not all those who are concerned about a patient agree about the best plan.

The Montefiore Einstein Center for Bioethics is dedicated to addressing the complex issues that arise in the hospital setting, drawing together the expertise necessary to promote reasoned analysis of ethical issues in healthcare at our Moses, Einstein, Wakefield, Hutchinson and Westchester Square Campuses.

Visit Burke Rehabilitation Hospital, Montefiore Mount Vernon Hospital, Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital, Montefiore Nyack Hospital, St. Luke’s Cornwall Hospital or White Plains Hospital for bioethics resources at any of these locations.

Montefiore Einstein’s long tradition in bioethics stretches back more than 30 years.

The Bioethics Consultation Service is a team of consultants who work for the hospital and have special training and expertise in bioethics. Consultants meet with patients, caregivers, family members or designated representatives and health care teams to:

  • Help clarify issues and reach decisions when ethical conflicts arise in the course of patient care
  • Work through difficult decisions about the patient’s treatment
  • Resolve ethical concerns and help ease tensions related to values that affect healthcare decisions
  • Clarify values at stake, foster consensus and resolve conflicts

The Bioethics Consultation Service responds to inquiries from any concerned party involved in a clinical case, including patients and family members. All services are offered free of charge.

Issues Addressed by the Bioethics Consultation Service

The Bioethics Consultation Service team members are available to speak with patients, family members, designated representatives and clinicians in order to help clarify ethical issues, and work toward resolution of conflict while respecting the voices and values of those involved.
Bioethics involves the analysis of ethical issues that arise in the healthcare setting. Our trained consultants help people deal with issues like these:

  • Who should make decisions for patients who cannot decide for themselves or communicate their wishes?
  • What should patients do if a suggested treatment is in conflict with their beliefs?
  • What should happen when there is a strong disagreement or uncertainty about what is best for a patient?
  • What should patients consider when agreeing to or in refusing treatment?
  • When should life-prolonging treatments, such as feeding tubes or breathing machines, be started, continued or stopped?

Please, feel free to contact us for more information on the Bioethics Consultation Service.

Liz Chuang, MD, MPH, Director, Montefiore Einstein Center for Bioethics

Adira Hulkower, JD, MBE, HEC-C, Chief of the Bioethics Consultation Service

Lauren Flicker, JD, MBE, Associate Director, Montefiore Einstein Center for Bioethics


The Montefiore Einstein Center for Bioethics

Phone: 718-920-4630