Learn How Millions of Americans Live Limitlessly with Limb Loss

Prevent Limb Loss, Lessen Its Impact and Live without Limits

Each April is designated Limb Loss Awareness Month and celebrated around the world as a time to recognize those living with limb loss and limb difference. During this month of renewal and inspiration, our goal is to raise awareness about limb loss prevention as well as the array of resources for amputees, their caregivers, and families with the hope of helping them all live without limits.


Get the Facts About Limb Loss

There are currently millions of people living with limb loss and limb difference in the United States. The total figures are expected to double by 2050. With hundreds of Americans losing a limb to amputation every day, limb loss has a significant impact on the overall health and well-being of our country.

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Limb Loss Awareness Month Highlights

Life with limb loss or limb difference doesn’t have to have limits. This month you can connect with others, get educated on rehabilitation advances and prosthetic technology, or stay active with adaptive sports. Many of the month’s events are held regularly throughout the year.

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Living without Limits with Limb Loss

Tour Our Community

Join the Conversation To Learn More About Limb Loss and How Amputees Live Without Limits.

We’ll be sharing additional information on living without limits with limb loss during Limb Loss Awareness Month on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Just use the hashtag #livewithoutlimits to search for additional information from Montefiore Einstein or to share your questions and comments.

Talking about limb loss and limb difference—risk factors, prevention, and available support—is the best way to increase awareness in your community as well as improve the lives of amputees and their families.

Our Montefiore Einstein residents are proudly showing off their #LLAM T-shirts. From left to right: Eric Martinez, Devin Oakes, Phuong Nguyen, Jeremy Benhamroun-Zbili, James Fung, Tonyan Thompson

At Montefiore Einstein, the Possibilities Are Limitless for Those Living with Limb Loss or Limb Difference

The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Montefiore Einstein in conjunction with the Montefiore Einstein Center for Heart and Vascular Care employs state-of-the-art, highly individualized treatments and procedures in a compassionate and family-centered environment. Whether the goal is prevention, limb salvage, or utilizing the most recent innovations in prosthetics and 3D printing technology, Montefiore Einstein is committed to caring for this often underserved community from start to finish.