Jenny Seham

Jenny Seham

Jenny Seham, PhD


  • Director, Arts and Integrative Medicine (AIM) at Montefiore/Einstein
  • Director, Youth Empowerment Series (YES) and YES Gallery
  • Attending Psychologist, Child Psychiatry Outpatient Department (COPD),Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Montefiore
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Einstein

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3340 Bainbridge Avenue
Bronx, NY 10467-2404

Montefiore Einstein


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Jenny Seham, PhD, is Director, Arts and Integrative Medicine (AIM) as well as Director, Youth Empowerment Series (YES) at Montefiore. She is also an Assistant Professor at our Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Since joining the Montefiore team, her clinical focus has been using evidence-based assessment and treatment as the foundation of clinical care, and expanding upon treatment options with evidence-based and evidence-informed arts and integrative medicine interventions. She specializes in complex trauma, mood and anxiety disorders, ADHD, PTSD, and stress-related disorders.

Dr. Seham received her Bachelor of Arts from Amherst College in 1982. She began her postgraduate training in 1993, completing a predoctoral clinical psychology internship at Columbia University and NY Presbyterian Hospital in 1994, going on to earn her PhD in clinical psychology from Adelphi University in 1998. 

Addressing health disparities has been a focus of Dr. Seham’s research. She evaluates a Behavior Regulation Movement Group for children with externalizing and internalizing disorders and studies the impact of publicly displayed, patient-produced art on the mood of doctors, patients, visitors, and other community members. Upcoming projects include research on virtual reality interventions for adolescents with social anxiety, and studies on the impact of yoga interventions on trauma and other stress-related disorders. Her work has been shared through several conferences and presentations, as well as published in a number of peer-reviewed journals, abstracts, and books.

Dr. Seham was instrumental in the opening of the YES Gallery in 2018, a rotating art exhibition space off the main lobby of Montefiore's Moses Campus. She also helped launch Arts and Integrative Medicine (AIM) at Montefiore in 2018.

Gender: Female


  • English


Titles and Positions

  • Director, Arts and Integrative Medicine (AIM) at Montefiore/Einstein
  • Director, Youth Empowerment Series (YES) and YES Gallery
  • Attending Psychologist, Child Psychiatry Outpatient Department (COPD),Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Montefiore
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Einstein

Areas of Expertise


  • Psychology

Clinical Focus

Dr. Seham's clinical focus has been using evidence-based assessment and treatment as the foundation of clinical care, and expanding upon treatment options with evidence-based and evidence-informed arts and integrative medicine interventions.

Research Focus

Addressing health disparities has been a focus of Dr. Seham’s research. She evaluates a Behavior Regulation Movement Group for children with externalizing and internalizing disorders and studies the impact of publicly displayed, patient-produced art on the mood of doctors, patients, visitors, and other community members.