Investigating the Causes of Lung Disease

Research Brief

Investigating the Causes of Lung Disease


Lung disease results from complex molecular and cellular interactions that may involve genetic alterations occurring over time and environmental factors, such as cigarette smoking. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has awarded Simon D. Spivack, M.D., M.P.H., and Jan Vijg, Ph.D., a four-year, $2.6 million grant to study age- and tobacco-related molecular alterations that affect human lungs. By shedding light on how aging and smoking interact in the lung, the research could lead to better strategies for diagnosing, preventing, and treating lung cancer and other lung diseases. Dr. Spivack is professor of medicine, of epidemiology & population health, and of genetics at Einstein. Dr. Vijg is professor and chair of genetics, and the Lola and Saul Kramer Chair in Molecular Genetics at Einstein. (1U01HL145560-01)