Blocking HIV-1 Infection

Research Brief

Blocking HIV-1 Infection


Restriction factors are proteins that block HIV-1 infection by naturally preventing the virus’s replication. The National Institute of General Medical Sciences has awarded Felipe Diaz-Griffero, Ph.D., a four-year, $1.7 million grant to study the regulation of the restriction factor SAMHD1. SAMHD1’s activity has only been observed in macrophages and other immune cells that are not dividing. Dr. Diaz-Griffero will study how the regulation of SAMHD1 through phosphorylation and S-glutathionylation bolsters SAMHD1’s ability to prevent HIV infection in macrophages. Understanding how SAMHD1 is regulated will be crucial for developing novel HIV-1 eradication strategies. Dr. Diaz-Griffero is associate professor of microbiology & immunology and the Elsie Wachtel Faculty Scholar. (1R01GM123540-01A1)