Health of 9/11 Firefighters

Research Brief

Health of 9/11 Firefighters


Studies of firefighters who responded to the 9/11 World Trade Center (WTC) attacks show that they’ve tended to develop certain health conditions. But the extent of disease and symptoms in these individuals is not known due to the lack of a suitable comparison group. Mayris Webber, Dr.P.H., has been awarded a five-year, $2.3 million grant by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to answer lingering questions about health conditions caused by WTC exposure. Dr. Webber will follow two groups: WTC-exposed New York City firefighters and firefighters from other U.S. cities who’ve had similar job-related experiences. Her study will determine cancer rates in the two groups of firefighters as well as the post 9/11 incidence and prevalence of other physical and mental health conditions. The research may lead to measures for preventing cancer and other diseases in the workplace. Dr. Mayris is professor of epidemiology & population health. (1U01OH011309-01)