Modeling Membrane Receptors

Research Brief

Modeling Membrane Receptors


Cell-surface receptors transmit messages from hormones and other external chemicals across the cell membrane and into the cell. Many disorders such as immune-related diseases result from inappropriate signaling by these receptors. Although their position on the cell’s exterior makes these receptors attractive targets for drug therapies, most of these receptors can be studied only after being isolated in vitro—yet their ability to bind chemical messengers is greatly influenced by their natural cell-membrane surroundings. Yinghao Wu, Ph.D., has proposed using computer models to mimic the behavior of receptors attached to a membrane. The National Institute of General Medical Sciences has awarded Dr. Wu a five-year, $1.6 million grant to develop and apply this model to cell-surface receptors on immune cells, which could lead to better treatments for immune disorders. Dr. Wu is assistant professor of systems & computational biology. (1R01GM120238-01)