Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease

Research Brief

Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease


The National Institute on Aging has award Ana Maria Cuervo, M.D., Ph.D., a five-year, $2 million grant to investigate the role played by defective maintenance of protein homeostasis in the aging brain and how it could lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Cuervo will focus on chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA)a process for digesting and recycling proteins. She has shown that CMA efficiency declines with age and that this decline can make the aging brain susceptible to Alzheimer’s disease. The grant will also support the search for therapies that restore normal CMA activity and might therefore prevent or slow down neurodegenerative disease progression. Dr. Cuervo is professor of developmental and molecular biology, anatomy and structural biology, and of medicine. She holds the Robert and Renée Belfer Chair for the Study of Neurodegenerative Diseases and is co-director of Einstein’s Institute for Aging Research. (1RF1AG054108-01)