Testosterone Therapy and Older Men

Research Brief

Testosterone Therapy and Older Men


Aging is a common cause of reduced testosterone levels in older men, which can lead to decreased sexual function, impaired mobility and low energy. In a study in the February 18, 2016 issue of the New England Journal of MedicineJill Crandall, M.D., and colleagues describe how treatment with testosterone gel affects older men with low levels of the hormone. The year-long placebo-controlled clinical trial involving 760 older men was conducted at Einstein and 11 other institutions nationwide. (Earlier studies on testosterone treatment for older men had yielded inconsistent results). Participants were enrolled in one of 3 trials based on symptoms related to sexual function, physical function or vitality. The most convincing improvement observed was for sexual function. Testosterone treatment in the study appeared to be safe, although larger and longer studies are needed to address this. Dr. Crandall is professor of medicine.