Accurate Asthma Assessment

Research Brief

Accurate Asthma Assessment


Jonathan M. Feldman, Ph.D., has received $3 million from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to study whether training teenagers with asthma to better recognize their symptoms can improve asthma control and reduce emergency health care use. Children who fail to correctly perceive the severity of their asthma symptoms have more emergency department visits, hospitalizations and fatal or near-fatal asthma attacks. Puerto Rican and black children have higher rates of asthma complications and deaths than other racial/ethnic groups. Dr. Feldman hypothesizes that helping asthma patients better recognize symptoms may help close this asthma health disparities gap. A randomized controlled trial will examine whether a behavioral intervention to train adolescents to guess their peak expiratory flow improves the accuracy of symptom perception and adherence to controller medications for asthma. Dr. Feldman is clinical assistant professor in the department of pediatrics.