Einstein’s Class of 2023 Celebrates Match Day

News Release

Einstein’s Class of 2023 Celebrates Match Day


March 17, 2023—(BRONX, NY)—Albert Einstein College of Medicine fourth-year medical students opened letters today that revealed their long-anticipated matches to residency training programs around the country.

Students and their families, friends, and mentors gathered on campus for the annual Match Day celebration, one of the most significant professional milestones of a physician’s life. Just before noon, members of the Class of 2023 lined up in front of their photos hung on a clothing line stretched across Einstein’s Central Courtyard. As a noontime gong sounded, they removed their photos, ripped open attached envelopes, and learned where they will begin their next phase of medical training as resident physicians.

Successful Matches

This year, 184 students matched to a residency. The largest group of students from the Class of 2023 matched to internal medicine, with 45 students going into the field. Coming in second this year was anesthesiology with 20 matches – about twice as many students in a typical year. Rounding out the top 10 were: diagnostic radiology (15); pediatrics (13); psychiatry (13); surgery (11); obstetrics & gynecology (10); emergency medicine (8); and ophthalmology (8); and neurology (7). Forty-one will join an Einstein-affiliated residency program, mostly at Montefiore.

“I’m super relieved and happy—everything you work for in medical school is for this day,” said Brooke Nosratian, who recalled a special moment four years ago when her father, Farshad Nosratian, M.D. ’83, helped her into her white coat during orientation. Ms. Nosratian matched to a psychiatry residency at Montefiore Health System. “I love it here because these doctors are really passionate about their patients and the community, social justice, and combatting inequalities in health care.”

Training During a Pandemic

COVID-19 upended the Class of 2023’s first year of medical school, when the pandemic hit the Bronx in March 2020. While Einstein quickly adjusted by offering classes online, the students were on their clinical rotations when the Delta and Omicron variants emerged and led to surges in cases.

“You’re here today and so successful,” said Joshua Nosanchuk, M.D., senior associate dean for medical education and professor of medicine and of microbiology & immunology. “During that time in 2020, so many of you did incredible things and volunteered for our community. I’m so grateful to you all.”

Group Shot

“This class demonstrated their deep commitment to medicine as well as their resiliency during this unprecedented time,” said Allison Ludwig, M.D. ’04, associate dean for student affairs, associate professor of medicine at Einstein, and a hospitalist at Jacobi Medical Center. “They are extraordinarily well-prepared to care for their patients, provide humanistic and evidence-based care, and advocate for equitable treatment for everyone.”

Speakers at the event included Philip Ozuah, M.D., Ph.D., president and CEO of Montefiore Medicine, Gordon F. Tomaselli, M.D. ‘82, the Marilyn & Stanley M. Katz Dean at Einstein and executive vice president and chief academic officer at Montefiore Medicine, Jane Gold, M.D. ‘92, a member of the Einstein Alumni Board of Governors, Dr. Nosanchuk, and Dr. Ludwig.

Looking Forward

The National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) conducts the match using a computerized mathematical algorithm to align the preferences of applicants with the preferences of U.S. residency programs seeking new trainees.

Residency training for most graduates begins about five weeks after Einstein’s May 24 commencement ceremony.

“My time at Einstein really helped me grow as a person and allowed me to explore a lot of my passions,” said Samantha DiSalvo, who celebrated her match to a physical medicine and rehabilitation residency at New York Presbyterian. While at Einstein, Ms. DiSalvo co-led a student group devoted to improving care for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and says she hopes to “push the field forward” to help patients achieve their best quality of life. “This week felt like the longest week of my life, waiting to learn about my match. But in terms of best memories of my time here, this day is at the top of the chart.”

Photo Gallery

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