Albert Einstein College of Medicine Recognized with 2022 Diversity Award

News Release

Albert Einstein College of Medicine Recognized with 2022 Diversity Award


December 8, 2022—(BRONX, NY)—For the second year in a row, Albert Einstein College of Medicine has received a Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine, the oldest and largest diversity-focused publication in higher education. This year, Einstein is one of 65 U.S. medical schools, health colleges, and universities selected for this honor, which recognizes institutions that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Gordon F. Tomaselli, M.D.
Gordon F. Tomaselli, M.D.Faculty ProfileResearch Profile

“This award reflects the depth and breadth of Einstein’s diversity and inclusion initiatives across our institution, as well as the personal dedication of so many of our community members,” said Gordon F. Tomaselli, M.D., the Marilyn and Stanley M. Katz Dean at Einstein and executive vice president and chief academic officer at Montefiore Medicine. “While Einstein was established on the principles of social justice and equity, it is our ongoing, expanding efforts to improve representation and support for all our community members that makes the College of Medicine worthy of this award.”

Einstein’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts include a wide array of programs and initiatives developed by a range of offices and departments across campus that support students, from middle and high school through medical school, as well as the College of Medicine’s faculty and employees, and the local community.

Lynne M. Holden, M.D.
Lynne M. Holden, M.D.Faculty ProfileResearch Profile

“From our numerous pathway programs and a curricular emphasis on health equity, to our NIH grants that fund career training and support among those from groups historically underrepresented in science and medicine, Einstein has built an extensive network of initiatives to support DEI,” said Lynne Holden, M.D., senior associate dean for diversity and inclusion at Einstein. “With sustained institutional backing, we will continue to support existing programs and develop new ones to improve the recruitment and retention of diverse students, trainees, faculty, and employees.”

As a recipient of the annual Health Professions HEED Award, Einstein is featured in the December 2022 issue of INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine.