Areas of Intensive Training and Electives

To produce the best psychiatrists in terms of clinical acumen, academic abilities and personal fulfillment, we believe each resident must be allowed to develop his or her own professional identity.

Our program incorporates intensive training in multiple areas of psychiatry throughout all four years of training for all residents, and residents may then choose to further their knowledge and experience in these areas through elective opportunities, typically during PGY 4. This allows residents to pursue areas in which they have an interest, such as child psychiatry, addiction medicine, forensic psychiatry, psychotherapy or research (many areas of basic and clinical research are well represented at Einstein).

We pride ourselves on our willingness and ability to meet residents' specific requests for individualized programs of study. Several well-developed areas of training for all residents as well as electives available for those interested are described below, but options extend beyond the examples cited.

Areas of Intensive Training and Electives

In addition to the programs noted here, there are many specialized clinical services that provide exciting opportunities for residents to pursue special interests or enhance expertise in a particular clinical realm. Some elective experiences that residents have enjoyed include but are not limited to the following:

  • Bariatric Surgery
  • HIV and AIDS Mental Health Program
  • Women's Reproductive Mental Health
  • Adolescent Depression and Suicide Program
  • Public School 8 School Based Mental Health Program
  • Palliative Care
  • Transplant Services
  • Sleep Disorders Center
  • Administrative Psychiatry
  • Medical Student Education

Psychiatry residents can also choose to use elective time to gain additional experience in geriatric psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, addiction, emergency psychiatry, etc.