Montefiore in the News
Does Weather Affect Psoriatic Arthritis?
- January 6, 2020
Amy Marturana Winderl Health Writer Jan 6, 2020 Medically Reviewed By Brian LaMoreaux, M.D.
Your psoriatic arthritis is flaring: Have you checked in with your meteorologist yet? Yep, along with medication switches and stress—typical triggers for this arthritis-plus-psoriasis condition—temperature changes can affect your PsA. “Weather does, in fact, impact the severity of flare-ups associated with psoriatic arthritis,” says Anand A. Kumthekar, M.D., a rheumatologist at Montefiore Medical Center and assistant professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. If you notice a difference in your PsA when the mercury tanks or rises, when it rains or snows, here’s what you need to know.