Boards of Trustees

Montefiore Einstein Board of Trustees


Daniel R. Tishman


James M. Butler

Vice Chair

Catherine M. Klema


Philip O. Ozuah, MD, PhD

President and CEO


Manny Chirico

Ruth L. Gottesman, EdD

John Heffer

Gayle F. Robinson

Non-Trustee Officer

Christopher S. Panczner

Assistant Secretary

Health System Board of Trustees


James M. Butler


Catherine M. Klema

Vice Chair

Manny Chirico


Philip O. Ozuah, MD, PhD 

President and CEO


Jay B. Abramson

Barry Blattman

Joel L. Braun

Melissa Ceriale

Alisa R. Doctoroff

Bruce Doniger

Douglas F. Eisenberg

Jennie Emil

Nathan Gantcher

Ruth L. Gottesman, EdD

Chair, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Patricia Green

J.P. Gutfreund

Thomas L. Harrison

John Heffer

Lewis Henkind

Helen A. Johnson

David B. Keidan

Stacey R. Lane

Peter M. Lehrer

Jonathan A. Lipton

Ronald L. Moelis

Margaret S. Nathan

Ellen Breslow Newhouse

Matthew H. Nord

William S. Null

Gayle F. Robinson

Jon W. Rotenstreich

Laurence R. Smith

Allen M. Spiegel, MD

Edwin H. Stern III

Alan N. Suna

Daniel R. Tishman

Chair, Montefiore Einstein

Non-Trustee Officer

Christopher S. Panczner

Assistant Secretary

Trustees Emeriti

George Asch

Patricia Bauman*

Mark E. Brossman

Lawrence B. Buttenwieser

George Campbell Jr., PhD

Roger W. Einiger*

Barry W. Gray

Jay B. Langner*

Peter J. Neufeld

Michael A. Stocker, MD

Kenneth D. Weiser*


Albert Einstein College of Medicine Board of Trustees


Ruth L. Gottesman, EdD


Nathan Gantcher


Philip O. Ozuah, MD, PhD

President and CEO

Christopher S. Panczner

Assistant Secretary


Jay B. Abramson

Linda Altman

James M. Butler

Chair, Montefiore Health System

Melissa Ceriale

Alisa R. Doctoroff

Carol B. Einiger

Raja M. Flores, MD '92

Susan H. Fuhrman, PhD

Buzzy Geduld

Arthur Hershaft

Marilyn L. Katz

Stanley M. Katz

Catherine M. Klema

Stacey R. Lane

Andrew J. Lauer

Andrea Baumann Lustig

Karen Mandelbaum

Leslie Morse Nelson

George P. O’Garro

Marla L. Schaefer

Sarah J. Schlesinger, MD

Andrew Sommers

Stuart Spodek

Michael Stern

Daniel R. Tishman

Chair, Montefiore Einstein

Samuel G. Weinberg

Zygmunt Wilf

Benjamin J. Winter


John D. Cohen

Joan K. Eigen

Charles A. Krasne

Emily Fisher Landau*

Evelyn Gruss Lipper, MD '71

Arnold S. Penner*

John J. Pomerantz

Elliot K. Wolk

Trustees Emeriti

Diane L. Belfer*

Robert A. Belfer


Roger W. Einiger*


Betty Feinberg

Ira M. Millstein*


Michael F. Price*

Burton P. Resnick*



Julia H. Arnsten, MD, MPH

Richard S. Frankenstein, MD '74

Terri L. Goldberg

Trudy F. Schlachter
