Milan M. Kinkhabwala

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Milan M. Kinkhabwala


Milan M. Kinkhabwala, MD

Liver Disease Transplantation
  • Chief, Transplantation
  • Director, Abdominal Transplantation
  • Professor, Department of Surgery
  • Professor, Department of Medicine (Hepatology)
  • Chief, Transplant Surgery at Montefiore Medical Center Department of Surgery
  • Director, Abdominal Organ Transplantation Department of Surgery

Areas of Expertise

  • Cell therapy
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Cholangiocarcinoma
  • Living-donor liver transplantation
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Expert Summary

Dr. Kinkhabwala is an active member of Einstein’s NIH-funded Marion Bessin Liver Research Center, where he is working to develop new treatments derived from stem cells for liver diseases, including liver cancer. An expert in complex liver surgery, including liver transplantation, he helped establish the Montefiore Einstein Center for Transplantation, where physicians, surgeons, nurses and other clinicians work with scientists to deliver integrated care for patients with organ failure.  

In addition to transplantation, Dr. Kinkhabwala specializes in hepatobiliary surgery, which involves advanced operative interventions on the liver, bile ducts and gallbladder.

Earlier in his career, Dr. Kinkhabwala established a pancreas transplantation program at Weill Cornell Medical College and co-founded a center for liver disease at Columbia University. He has held leadership roles in the American Society of Transplant Surgeons, the American Society of Transplantation, and the International Liver Transplantation Society. In addition, Dr. Kinkhabwala has participated in several important policy initiatives leading to improvements in the care of living liver donors, including the NIH Adult to Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation Cohort Study.