John S. Condeelis

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John S. Condeelis

Cancer, Basic Science

John S. Condeelis, Ph.D.

Tumor Microenvironment Metastasis Imaging
  • Professor, Department of Cell Biology
  • Professor, Department of Surgery
  • The Judith and Burton P. Resnick Chair in Translational Research
  • Scientific Director, Analytical Imaging Facility
  • Director, Integrated Imaging Program for Cancer Research
  • Director, Basic and Translational Research Department of Surgery

Areas of Expertise

  • Multiphoton imaging
  • Biomedical technologies
  • Optical microscopy
  • Tumor microenvironment
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Expert Summary

Dr. Condeelis is a pioneer in developing microscope techniques for use in “intravital imaging” – observing the behavior of cells in living animals. His work has led to a clinical test of biopsy tissue to determine whether a woman’s breast cancer will spread (metastasize), which could help determine treatment. Because of the test’s success, Dr. Condeelis and colleagues have licensed the patent rights to a biotech firm, which is developing the tissue test into a commercial product.

A fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Dr. Condeelis is the recipient of the Allen Foundation Scholar Award and the Hirschl Career Scientist Award. He has served on numerous study sections of the National Institutes of Health and the American Cancer Society, as a consultant to the National Cancer Institute, and on the editorial boards of several prominent journals, including theJournal of Cell Biology.