Daphne T. Hsu

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Daphne T. Hsu

Pediatrics, Surgery

Daphne T. Hsu, MD

Heart Transplant
  • Professor of Pediatrics, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
  • Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics (Pediatric Cardiology)
  • Clinical Professor, Department of Medicine (Cardiology)
  • Chief, Division of Pediatric Cardiology
  • Co-Director of the Pediatric Heart Center

Areas of Expertise

  • Children’s heart failure
  • Genetic heart abnormalities
  • Pediatric heart transplantation
  • Cardiomyopathy
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Expert Summary

Dr. Hsu is one of the nation's leading experts in children's heart failure and heart transplant. Dr. Hsu brings specialized medical skills, decades of experience-and extraordinary commitment-to the care of children with complex heart disease. She conducts ongoing clinical research and has participated in many US multi-center studies on children's cardiomyopathies, medical and catheter-based therapy for heart disease in children and heart transplant. She is a nationally recongized pediatric cardiologic thought-leader.