A Link Between Dietary Restriction and Aging

Research Brief

A Link Between Dietary Restriction and Aging


Findings from animal studies show that dietary restriction extends lifespan by slowing metabolic decline during aging. But how caloric reduction affects metabolites—the chemicals that result from metabolism—isn’t well understood. In a study published online on October 16 in Cell Reports, Derek M. Huffman, Ph.D., identified sarcosine as a chemical that may link dietary restriction and longevity. The researchers found that aging was associated with reduced levels of sarcosine in both rats and humans and that reductions in caloric consumption raised sarcosine levels. In addition, feeding sarcosine to elderly rats raised their sarcosine levels and boosted aspects of cellular to a more youthful state. The findings suggest that high levels of sarcosine may help maintain healthy metabolism and play an important role in extending lifespan. Dr. Huffman is an associate professor of molecular pharmacology and medicine, and is co-director of the Chronobiosis and Energetics/Metabolism of Aging Core (CEAC) at Einstein.