News Brief
Cardiovascular Risk & HIV
November 28, 2018
People living with HIV face an increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Antiretroviral drugs may contribute to CVD risk by raising cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and emerging evidence suggests that gut microbiota (GMB) may also play a role. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has awarded Qibin Qi, Ph.D., a five-year, $3.26 million grant to investigate the link between GMB and CVD in patients with HIV. The study focuses on how the GMB contributes to inflammation and immune activation, which are closely involved in CVD development. The findings should advance understanding of the disease mechanism that leads to HIV-related CVD and lead to strategies for preventing and treating CVD in HIV+ individuals. They may also have important public health implications, since it may be possible to reduce the risk for CVD in the general population by altering the GMB. Dr. Qi is an associate professor of epidemiology & population health at Einstein. (1R01HL140976)